Chapter 27

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     "Cute car. You sure we can all fit in that?" There was a small blue buggy parked in an empty parking lot. Steve looked back at me and nodded.

      "Yeah. Nothing to extravagant, and it sits five." The car seemed to look even smaller when we got up close to it. Sam opened up the passenger side and put the seat down. Bucky and I looked at each before before I climbed into the back. I was able to get in easily, but the  three men had a little harder time getting in because the car was so small. I sat in the middle seat and Bucky sat behind Sam. Steve climbed into the driver's seat, and he turned on the car.

       "So, what's the plan?"  Bucky asked Steve. Bucky had he arm resting on the car seat and he as slouched in the chair. Steve turned on the car and started to drive.

      "If that doctor is headed to Siberia, to all those super soldiers, we have no tile to waste. We are gonna need some help of course, so Sam and I made some calls. We are meeting at the Berlin Airport." Steve turned and suddenly found ourselves in the highway. "But first we have to make one more stop."

      "Steve, we should be there in a few minutes. Apparently, she's already waiting for us." Steve and Sam parted into their own little conversation in the front. I rotated my body to look at Bucky. He was staring forward, his hair blocking his eyes. The side of his face was still covered in blood, but it was falling off now that it was completely dry.

       "Do you think I'm ready? For what we might go up against?" Bucky looked to me, keeping his straight face. He inhaled and exhaled deeply.

        "Were  you ready when you realized that you had to fight me?" I folded my arms and looked out the window. We were pulling off the highway already, the cars we were driving by getting farther away.

        "No...I never thought I would have to fight you...for real."

        "I don't think you'll ever be ready for anything. You just have to imagine the worst and play off of that." I nodded and crossed my legs. I folded my hands in my lap and watched as we pulled off the road and pulled underneath a bridge. In front of us was another car, and leaning on the car door was Sharon. She smiled and leaned up when she saw us coming and started to walk towards us. Steve parked and told us to sit in the car. We all watched as Steve got out of the car and met Sharon at her truck. It was dead silent in the car. Sam was leaning back in his chair and Bucky was in the same position he was since we got in. Steve and Sharon looked like that were having a nice conversation. Not even two minutes in though, Bucky started to shift uncomfortably in his seat. I glanced at him, and he had an irritated look on his face.

      "Can you move your seat up?" He asked Sam grumpily.

      "No." Sam replied without hesitation, or without looking back. Bucky clenched his jaw angrily and sat up straight. I sighed and unbuckled my seat belt.

      "Here, I'll move to the end and you can sit in the middle." I scooted over and Bucky did the same. I watched Sam's head as it turned just enough to watch me and Bucky in the corner of his eye, and I swear I could see his cheek lift up as if he was smiling at us. Bucky, still pissed at Sam, got comfortable in the middle seat and lifted his metal arm up and around the seat once again. Silently, we all watched again. The energy seemed much more happy out there than it did in the car. Sharon and Steve were talking by the trunk, and we all watched as if we were in a drive in movie. Suddenly, Steve pulled Sharon in and they just...kissed. It was romantic and all...but surprising. I watched as Steve ran his hand through Sharon's blonde hair and Sharon cupped her hand on Steve's face. I sat up, intrigued because it happened so suddenly. Wait a minute, I thought to myself. If Sharon's aunt was Peggy Carter, and it was clear from what I've seen in the Smithsonian that Peggy and Steve were definitely a thing, isn't it a little weird that Steve kissed both Peggy and Sharon? I looked at Bucky, to ask him about that, but when I saw him, he was smiling. He looked proud of Steve...or he had that face guys made at bars when a guy made a move on a girl and they tried to look supportive. When I saw Bucky was smiling, however, I decided to keep my mouth shut. Bucky looked from Steve and Sharon kissing to me, and he raised an eyebrow.

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