Chapter 4

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"Mwah. Good luck sweetie. I'm sure I'll run into you later. Pay attention to everything he says and don't make him repeat himself. He is probably under a lot of stress! Now, I'll most likely run into you later, so until then..." My mom hurried away quickly and I watched as she turned the corner with a few men in lab coats. I sighed and rubbed my hands on my jeans. I looked around the S.H.I.E.L.D lobby for a few more seconds before heading over to the elevators. When I went in, there was a loud buzzing noise, and a voice came from the elevator. "Unauthorized personnel in the elevator." I tried to long to a button or something to shut it off, but fortunately  a blonde woman stuck her hand in the doors, and shut off the alarm.

      "Thanks, I'm not used to the technology here. Guess I'm going to need a lesson." The woman laughed and held out her hand.

"You new here?" The blonde woman asked and I shook her hand. I nodded and gave a silent "yup". "You are young to be working here. What do you specialize in?"

"Ummm, I was working to become a surgeon like my dad, but my mom said they had a job here that was perfect for me. It's my first day, and I have to go see Mr. Pierce. He wants to talk." The blonde woman sighed.

"Mr. Pierce...he's something alright." I furrowed my brows and looked at her.

"You say that like it's a bad thing." The blonde woman just shook her head.

"No, it's not bad. It's just...he's secretive about his business. You know of Project Insight?" I nodded and she continued. "He doesn't tell us much of it at all. He is kinda that 'trust the process' guy. You know?" I nodded.

"Yeah, I guess I could see that. What's your name?" The blonde woman held out her hand and smiled.

"My code name is Agent 13, but my real name is Sharon Carter. You can just call me Sharon." I took her hand and shook it.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Clara Peters." She tilted her head as if she knew exactly who I was.

"Ahhhh, your the daughter of one of the scientists here, aren't you?" I nodded.

"Yeah, my mom is the whole reason I have a job here. She never really was there for me, but I guess it is paying off now that we are work buddies." Sharon nodded her head.

"No, I get it. I have family connections here too. My aunt...she actually was one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D." When she said this, I made a connection in my head.

"Wait, your aunt is Peggy Carter? Like in the Smithsonian??" She nodded and laughed.

"Yeah, it was bound to get out soon, but I don't like making a big deal about it."

"That must be really cool. You're aunt basically dated Captain America. I always loved seeing videos of Agent Carter in the Smithsonian with my dad." The elevator stopped moving and there was a ding as the door slid open.

"Well, it's my stop. Nice meeting you." She stepped out the elevator, but turned over her shoulder. "Good luck, newbie. Don't let the higher level people get to you. We all work under the same association." I waved bye to her just before the elevators closed and silently screamed with excitement. I was just in an elevator with the niece of a celebrity. Of one of my heroes. I paced back and forth excitedly in the elevator before leaning against the bars in the elevator. I looked out the glass and watched as I got higher up from the ground. I felt on top of the world. The giant moat that surrounded the triskelion looked so small now. And I could see tiny dots on the ground moving in and out of cars and buildings. I was really liking where this was going. I was working with fucking National heroes now.

I could see Mr. Pierce through the giant glass window pane. He hanging out in his office, talking on the phone. He seems to have seen me because a few seconds later he hung up the phone and stood up from his seat to unlock the door.

"They haven't given you a badge or anything? You should be in our system." That was the first thing he said when he opened the door. He held out his one arm. "Please, come in. I can't wait to get started."

      "This place is amazing sir! I just got out of the elevator with Peggy Carter's niece! This place is practically filled with celebrities!" I noticed that Mr. Pierce was smiling awkwardly and I had just gone total nerd mode. "Oh I'm sorry. You already know who works here because you hired them. I'm just having a moment."

        "No it's quite alright. Almost every knew employee get a a little star struck when they first come. Now, shall we get started now?" I nodded excitedly and I joined him at his desk. He rounded around to his side of the desk and I sat down in one of the chairs.

       "So what will be my contribution to S.H.I.E.L.D? I'm still a little unclear to why you chose me to work here. And why you want me today instead of after your big project." Mr. Pierce laughed and shook his head.

         "It's alright to have questions. I understand. We want you because we've heard such amazing things about you. Your mother told us how dedicated and determined you were to following in your father's footsteps. I'm so sorry about what happened to him, by the way. Your mother tell me everyday how much you miss him." The mood became solemn for a quick moment before he continued. "Anyways, your second question. With this project coming up, we are going to need all the help we can get. You won't be involve directly with it now, but in the future, you'll be trained to handle whatever I'd thrown at you. The next two days will be your preparation for your role here."

        "Wow, this job must be very important. None of your other workers aren't experienced enough though? I feel kinda bad taking such an important job."

         "Don't worry about experience. You..." he stood up and walked around his desk and stand in front of me. He sat on his desk and pointed directly at me. "You are exactly what we need."  I smiled, but I wasn't quite sure about the tone in his voice. It was awkward for a short moment. I puffed up my upper lip and sighed.

         "Well, Umm, should I start preparing now?" Mr. Pierce seemed to have dozed out for a second. "Umm, sir?"

           "Hmm?" He looked up at me. He clearly had something on his mind.

"Is there something bothering you, Mr. Pierce?"

"Why would you think that?" He tried to play it off.

"Well, I'm no detective, but you stared off into space for a few seconds and your fingers are grabbing the edge of your desk pretty tightly." He looked down at his hands and released his hands from the desk.

"No, it's just...I'm really gonna hate what I have to do next." He made a motion with his hand, but before I could realize what he was motioning to, or rather who he was motioning to, I felt this rod jab into the side of my neck. The rod sent an electric shock all throughout my body and my limbs stiffened because of how the nerves tensed up. My jaw was squeezed shut so I couldn't scream even if I wanted. As I sat in the chair getting shocked, Mr. Pierce watched his watch. The shock, though it lasted a few seconds, felt like an eternity, finally stopped and I slumped in the chair. My body wasn't in pain, but I sure as hell did feel good either.

"Wha...what the hell was that for?" I tried to get up, but two security guards came up from behind me and pinned my arms down to the arm rest.

"That...was your first test. And congratulations, you passed." He looked from me to the two guys and nodded. "It's time..."

"Hold on what the fu..." before I could finish, the rod came onto my neck a second time, and this time, I blacked out completely.

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