Chapter 31

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We started at a slow walk, and Stark's team did the same. Then we picked it up to a jog; Stark's team did the same. Whenever we sped up, so would they. No one was stopping anytime soon; no one was going to surrender. I kept my focus directly in front of me, watching each of the opponents, and seeing who I would be going up against. By the time we were at a full sprint, Stark, robot guy, and Rhodes were in the air, and Sam, who was on the other side of the line had taken off as well as Wanda, who used her red magic or whatever she could do to fly. But I don't think I actually got to decide who I would get to fight. I don't think it even mattered if we were flying or not because the next thing I knew, Rhodes was coming straight for me. Oh god. Next to me, Clint had stopped to prepare to shoot. Bucky has his metal arm raised in the air, preparing to send a powerful blow at The King. I felt adrenaline rush through my body faster than ever. My nerves became my energy. This was really happening. Everything went into chaos. There were loud bangs and grunts everywhere. Bucky was tackled to the ground by The King, cars were sent flying through the air by Wanda. Rhodes was coming right towards me until the very last moment when he pulled up, probably to go after Sam. Not on my watch. Right before Rhodes's foot got out of reach, I jumped up and pulled him down. His gun that rested on his shoulder shot at Sam a few times, which missed him completely and sent the bullets flying randomly into the air. Sam was able to escape and chase after robot guy. I used my weight to throw Rhodes's back down on the ground, but he used his repulsors to get back up.

"Seriously, you gotta stop doing that." He pulled out another one of those electric baseball bats and charged at me. I flipped in the air as he swung at me, dodging the swing. I couldn't really punch at him because his suit was so bulky, but if I got rid of his stick, that would be a little better. Rhodes's came charging at me again. Let's try it. I stepped to the side right as he came to swing at me for a second time. I could see a bit of the rod stick out of his grip, so I grabbed my hand underneath his and gripped the little bit of the handle there was. I turned his arm so he would lose grip of the the stick, but instead I flipped him over all together and he slammed into the cement, causing it to crack.

"Sorry, I still don't understand my own strength." With his stick in hand, I was about to whack him in the side, hoping that the electricity would cause his suit to malfunction, but before I could, a web came pulled it out of my hand. I looked up and saw that the spider kid had pulled it away from me, and when looked back, Rhodes's was back in his feet and he sent a blow right into my shoulder before taking off to help the red dude.

"Not this time, new girl." He yelled before I left. I massaged my shoulder, but the pain wasn't as bad as it seemed it would be. I looked back in the air and saw Spiderman swinging through the air. No one was on him. I looked around and saw Wanda was making sure others weren't getting to hurt.

"WANDA!" I called to her and she stopped what she was doing to look at me. I pointed in the air towards Spiderman, and she understood what she angled me to do. I felt my feet get lifted off the ground and I was flung across the air. Before Spiderman could shoot another web, I grabbed on to him and brought him down to the ground. Together we both landed with a thud on the hard cement and rolled a few feet. We both got up on our feet.

"I saw you webbed up Bucky and Sam. I'll admit, it was funny, but we're on different teams and they are kind of my friends, so unfortunately, I can't applaud you for it." He stretched a bit to loosen up his muscles.

"That makes two of us. So you have a cool superhero name or anything?" He asked me. I guess a little conversation wouldn't hurt.

"Nope. Just Clara. Do you have a name, or do people just go around calling you Spiderman."

"Oh, my real name is Peter Parker. I'm from Queens." Peter Parker. Definitely something memorable.

"Well, Peter Parker. I'm sorry I'm advance." He shrugged.

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