Chapter 13

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"Wake up." My eyes opened wide. I guess I didn't even realize I fell asleep until I woke up to Bucky standing over me.

"Jesus, you scared me." I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes. "What time is it?" Bucky pointed to my bedside clock. It read 8:30 AM. "Why are we up so early?" I yawned while saying this.

"You wanted to start training right? Well, we got the entire day. Get up and meet me in your backyard in ten minutes." He backed away from my bed and headed toward the bedroom door.

"Wow, someone's taking charge around here." I said jokingly, but he just shrugged it off and walked off.

"Ohh, and wear clothes you don't care about ruining." His voice echoed down the hallway and into my room. I sighed and yawned again before getting out of bed. Clothes I didn't mind ruining? I stared at my closet for about five minutes trying to figure out what to wear. Then I had an idea. But I was looking in the wrong place. I ran out of my room and to the opposite side of the house to my mom and dad's room. I went into my mom's giant closet and grabbed some workout clothes off her shelf. I didn't care about ruining her clothes. She was dead and she ruined my life. This was the least I could do to her. I put on the pair of workout leggings, her training bra, and a tank top. I put my hair up in a ponytail to top it off.

"Not bad," I looked at myself in the mirror on the closet door before leaving the bedroom. Through the dining room window, I could see Bucky outside. He was just standing out there, staring out into the woods that was in our backyard. I put on shoes and stepped out of the house and walked towards him.

"I'm ready." I said excitedly. He turned around and he stared at me. He scanned me up and down.

"I thought I told you to wear clothes you don't care about?" He questioned my choice of clothing.

"Oh I did. My mom isn't around to yell at for ruining her clothes. What do you mean by ruining though? And I going to be rolling around in mud or something? Is this like an army bootcamp?" Bucky shook his head and took off his jacket. He wore a long sleeve shirt, but the sleeves were pulled up just below the elbows.

"You'll find out later. Right now, we are focusing on hand-to-hand combat. Now, training shouldn't be hard, but you still need to know the basics and techniques. Punching and kicking is a lot different. You have to know your own strength." He opened his body up and bent his knees. "Kick me."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Kick me. As hard as you can. It's fine." I stared at him, and he looked like he wanted me to kick him. I took a deep breath, and like in an action movie, I did that one leg kick thing. However, I did not expect him to launch almost ten feet away when my foot made contact with his stomach. He went flying in the air as if he was attached to an invisible wire and landed into the dirt.

"Oh my god!! I'm so sorry. I didn't realize I was going to be that powerful." Bucky grunted as he got up. He jogged back over to me.

"No that was good." He got into the same stance he was in before. "Now punch me."

"Wait, I don't wanna hurt you."

"Just punch." He said a little aggravated. I didn't want to clung him to hard, so I took the blow. What I did see coming was that he stopped my punch with his right hand and twisted it back to where it was a pull. "You're going to have enemies out there. And when you have to fight them, you have to mean it." He let go and gave me a little nudge away from him. He go back in his stance. "Now punch. Or are you too scared? Cause we can stop training right now and you can live the rest of rest of your days hiding because you were too scared to punch m..." before he finished, I sent a second blow, straight into his jaw, and I knocked him to the ground. I was mad for a second, but then I felt bad afterwards when I saw a red mark on his face.

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