Chapter 37

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        "I gotta do another prison break. I was wondering if you wanted to come with me." I was staring by out the giant glass window of the lab and observed the jungle we were hidden in. Steve had come up behind me, he had his hands in his pockets, and he had a kind smile on his face. I was surprised that he asked me to go with him, but I didn't express it. Instead I just shrugged and crossed my arms.

"Are you sure? Will there be enough room?"

"Well, Vision was planning to meet us somewhere and take Wanda off our hands and Clint and Scott are going to have to get dropped off because they have their families, so it'll just be me, Sam, and Nat."

        "What will you be doing? From what I've heard, you aren't very popular with the government." Steve let out a long sigh, but he didn't seem bothered.

         "I don't know. Probably lay low until this all blows ever long that will be. We'll manage though. So, do you want to come with us?" His gaze was so warm and welcoming, and I would be crazy if I refused the offer. I was about to blurt out "yes", but I stopped myself before I could. I still didn't know any of them that well. I had this feeling that Steve wasn't inviting me just to be nice. I think he might feel bad for me since I was alone. I didn't want to be a burden to them. I didn't want to hold these professionals back. I'm still very new to this whole superhero thing.

        "Thanks for the offer, umm, Steve, but I don't want you to think that you have to look after me, and I would probably be a waste of space. I...I think I'll hang out here in Wakanda for bit...if they let me."

         "You can stay in Wakanda as long as you need to, Ms. Peters." T'Challa had snuck up on Steve and I, and I felt myself jump a bit because I was surprised. He had his hands folded on top of each other and he stood there all king-like, if that was even a way to describe him. "I was actually meaning to have a discussion with you." I gaped my mouth open and I looked back at Steve.

        "Well, I guess that's my cue. Good luck, Clara. Your highness." Steve acknowledged T'Challa before reaching his hand out to shake it. Then I watched as Steve released his grip and moved his hand towards me. I stared at it, then at him, then slowly lifting my hand, and grabbed onto his and shook it. His grip surprisingly wasn't as firm as I thought it would be. It was just the right amount of pressure on her hand.

"Good luck Steve. To all of you. Guess I'll see you guys later then." Steve and I released our grip and I smiled at him again.

"You too. With you and Bucky. Do me a favor...keep an eye on him."

"I'm way ahead of you on that one." We both laughed and Steve had started to walk backwards towards the door. I waved to him, and he waved back before he turned his back towards me and exited the building with two of the guards following behind. When I couldn't see him anymore, I looked back at T'Challa, who just stood there calmly.

       "So, are you sure it's cool if I stay here, your highness? I don't want to barge in on your country uninvited." T'Challa laughed and waved his hand in the air.

        "I am the reason that you and Sergeant Barnes don't have a home. I chased you two out of your old home in Romania. The least I could do is offer you a new home in Wakanda for as long as you need it." I dipped my head respectfully towards him. It was nice seeing this kingly side of him, not the whole vengeance seeking killing side.

"Thank you so much you're highness. I'm honestly so grateful that everything is okay between us. I'll try not to be such a nuisance while I'm here. I'll try to keep to myself."

"Actually, there is something else?"

"Ohhhh?" I wasn't sure what else there was to talk about. And I wasn't sure what to make of his tone. I had no idea where this discussion was headed.

"I told my sister of what you can do, and she was very fascinated and wanted to see what you can do. She wants to spend time with you and observe your skills?"

" aren't going to run tests on me or anything like that are you?" It was an irrational fear, but it was something that would always pop up in my head whenever someone said they wanted to "see what I could do". But T'Challa shook his head.

"We would do no such thing. My sister believes that you can do so much more with your power, and she wants to help you reach your full potential. We have a hut set up for you in one of our small campgrounds, and my sister will be around a lot to help train you. Of course, she is only willing to help you if you want it. We don't want to force you to do anything you aren't comfortable with." When I heard T'Challa talk about my powers, I was honestly shocked. I didn't realize there was more to me. I just thought it was either dog or person and nothing else. What else could there be? Was I willing to go all the way with this ability, or was where I was now good enough?

"'re saying that your sister discovered more to me? She knows more of what I can do than I do?" T'Challa nodded.

"I was hoping this would be a good way to offer my services to you. Plus, it would give you something to do while you wait for Sergeant Barnes's recovery." I looked out the window at the jungle. I remembered the beautiful city we passed over on the way here. I guess it wouldn't hurt to see what his sister had in mind for me.

"So...maybe in a few days, when my side heals, would that be alright?"

"The Dora Milaje will escort you to the village you will be staying with. We will have food, clothes, everything you need waiting for you. I hope you enjoy it here in Wakanda."

"I...l can't thank you enough." I looked T'Challa, and he had this look of accomplishment on his face. He was happy that he was able to help. At least that was what I thought. "And I think I will enjoy it here. Every moment of it." That heavy layer of most that had covered the tree tops had suddenly dissipated and the rays of the sun poked through, and everything didn't seem as gloomy anymore. Behind me, the scientists were still hard at work even though it hadn't even been an hour since Bucky went under. T'Challa was no longer an enemy, or someone to run away from. And Wakanda, just like that, seemed like my new home.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I doubt anyone reads but oh well...

Ahhhhhhh okay so first off...thank you for sticking around for the entire thing...definitely a lot longer than I thought. I hope you enjoyed it and I didn't torture you too much it make it too cheesy or whatever. I'm going to make a second one, and for now, it is called "Forever and Always" (I'm bad with titles), but keep a look out for it if you are still interested! And also I'm writing it in third person this time (mixing it up)

Ummm, once again thanks for reading!! Okay byeeee

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