The Other Woman

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Tenen watched Zanna as she smiled. He knew her mind was concocting plans on how to get rid of Rin. He was certain if she or anyone tried to take her from him or hurt her, he'd rip the world apart with his bare hands, and for some reason that didn't terrify him. He knew it should have but it did not and it reminded him of the only other person he had ever met who had been monstrous, worse than even the tyrant king himself.

His father.

Zanna laughed even though the pressure from Tenen's hands was constricting her throat. His threats did not faze her in any way.

'It's not the first time we have been in this position Ten. You do not scare me as much as you used to.'

Zanna knew she was hitting a nerve. Their time together had been more physical than romantic but it would still hurt that little mate of his if she found out. Maybe that was all it would take to get rid of her and with it there was no harm in fabricating the story even more to fit her end result.

'Don't fucking touch her. I will kill you if you try and that meant nothing; you know that.'

Tenen let go of Zanna and walked back to the window to continue watching his mate effectively ending their conversation. He felt her eyes linger a bit on him but he did not care to acknowledge anything else she had to say. After a minute he heard her walk out but not before loudly banging the door like a child causing a tantrum. Heaving a sign he knew she was trouble brewing just waiting for the right opportunity to strike.

It irked him how they thought him irresponsible just because of his mate. Did they no longer trust him. He did not think he portrayed himself as one to go crazy and abandon his beliefs for his mate. Even as he thought it a part of him denied the fact and he knew he could abandon everything for her and that truly scared him.

Tenen did a scan of the camp to find his mate but she was not there. She had most likely disappeared in one of the many blindspots of the camp. He would not be worried but Zanna's words came floating back into his mind. He did not trust her. He turned with only one clear goal.

To find Rin.

Rin could feel eyes on her, but everytime she turned around she saw no one. It irked her because she was sure someone was following her but who would dare. As much as his people all watched her they kept a healthy distance away. She knew they feared her even if they would never show it. Show her.

The only way she could stop the uneasiness the stranger brought her was to confront him or her head on.

'I know you are there. Show yourself'

It took ten seconds before the stranger peeled themselves from the shadows the alleyway presented her and stood before Rin with a deadly smirk on her face. She had seen her before but couldn't place her just yet.

'Who are you'

'My name is not important princess. Only what I have to say'

Rin couldn't ignore the way she sneered the word princess as if she was dirt on the girl's shoes. Who was this girl and what could she possibly have to say with so much hate in her words.

'And what might that be?'

Zanna could feel the anger bubbling to the surface. Why was she not afraid of her? She knew her voice held some level of hate but the wretched girl was just looking at her with no similar malicious intent and she hated it.

'Leave no one wants you here, not even your mate. He does not love you. He is just burdened by you. I know him and he has never wanted a mate.'

Zanna paused for dramatic effect preparing to land a blow that would definitely hurt her.

'We were together on the night before you met him. Did you know that?'

Rin processed her words but she wasn't angry. How could she fault him for something he did before he even knew of her existence. But the words still hurt. Was she really a burden he bore with just because she was his mate.

'And after we met'

Zanna noticed the look of uncertainty that flitted on the princess' face for just a moment. So she was warry of her answer even if she acted as if nothing Zanna was saying bothered her. She smiled a malicious smile and reveled in her next words.

'It hasn't even been a full day, but give it some time it will happen again.'

Rin wanted to argue and deny it but she couldn't. She had known her mate for only a day and it was not even a full day so she hardly could vouch for his character.

'What if I stay'

'I'll make your life miserable because it's the only thing I can do. I can't hurt you because if I do, I hurt Tenen also and I cannot do that.'


So that was her mate's name. It was beautiful. Her heart started to beat faster and she knew he was close. She couldn't wait to see him. It had been a couple of hours, three at most when she had left him sleeping on the couch that overlooked his bed and was almost giddy to see him again.


Rin had never heard Tenen say her name out loud. It made the butterflies in her stomach go crazy. It had been only a day but she knew she could easily tell apart his voice from any crowd. She was falling fast and it scared her.

'Let's go'

Tenen had been scared when he had seen them together but as he watched them he realised they were just talking; and that was worse than finding them actually fighting. He went to Rin's side and grabbing her hand pulled her away from the alley as Zanna shouted her last ever words to Rin, he would make sure.

'You are just a woman. You will fall just as your father too shall fall. I will make sure of that'

They both said nothing in reply. Rin watched as Tenen walked pulling her after him with that girl's last words echoing in her head. She couldn't tell were they were going and she was scared of asking him, but she did trust him.

'what were you guys talking about'

Tenen's words were light and Rin did not know what to say. Her conversation with the girl she now remembered as the one who was holding Tenen in her father's throne room flitted through her mind and though she wanted to tell him everything, this she could not tell him.

'It was not important.'

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