The Final War

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Tenen did not want to go to war with her. He couldn't bring himself to do it there had to be another way. He sat across from Rowan and he couldn't help but voice his fears. They were his friends so they would understand.

'I can't do this I love her'

'I know you do but you have no choice she has picked her side and so should you'

Tenen knew Rowan was right but to fight her, he knew he did not have the strength to do so.

' You know I do not have the strength to kill her nor can I let any of you kill her'

'I know; we don't have to kill her just to defeat her.'

As the meeting concluded Tenen walked out with a goal to protect her in his mind and nothing else. He had seen her earlier that day and her words still chilled him. She was slowly losing it and he hoped he could help her defeat the darkness which had fully consumed her.

This was to be the last battle. Rin could still feel the rule of her father in her blood. She couldn't stop. She didn't want to either way. It felt right. She was a machine and hopefully they had found a way to kill her before she destroyed them all. She prayed they had because if not she was certain nothing would remain by tomorrow.

She had bitten off more than she could chew and black magic was slowly consuming her. Too deep in her being that she could hardly function without it. The darkness couldn't be controlled and she was too tired to keep trying. It had bled into her soul and if one looked closely they would have seen the toll it was taking on her but no one really cared as long as she served her purpose.

To defeat the rebels and establish her rule.

Callum watched as Tenen walked out. He needed to make the poor lovesick fool realise the stakes before the war. If not he would be destroyed by it all, especially her and they would lose.

'Tenen, she is different. she killed them all. She is gone Tenen stop trying to save a monster. You know she killed twelve of our men without any remorse. I still don't understand why she did but she is too lost to see humanity.'

Tenen stopped in his tracks. How was he to defend her crimes when they were so brutal and public.

'I know what she did but deep down I know her and she is just a scared girl fighting a war she did not start'

Callum was left speechless as he watched Tenen walk away from him. It hurt him to think his friend still thought of her as redeemable. He knew the truth but the will to tell Tenen he was sorely lacking.

She wouldn't not change her monstrous ways till every rebel apart from Tenen was dead.

Two thousand soldiers drew their weapons for a war no side would win.

Rin noticed each and every warry glance her men gave her. She knew they feared her, at least what she had become. It did not matter to her in the slightest. They were always meant to fear her so she did not care for their adoration only their will to win the war. And as she stood among her men a field between them and the rebels she made eye contact with him.


They held each other's gaze across the battle field, not daring to be the first to flinch. It wasn't about dominance or pride. It was much more. A goodbye of sorts because even after this they both knew they would be extremely broken and none of them could put the pieces back together. Especially her, she could not run from the monster inside her.

When the horn sounded and they attacked she felt overwhelmed. She could have killed them all but she did not. If she did she would kill him too and that was not what she wanted. She would never want it as long as she lived. She was sure of it.

The rebel leader she knew as Rowan feigned a strike towards her feet but instead went for her face. She had not anticipated the attack so it caught her completely by surprise and his armor cut across her cheek. She cracked and her power threatened to leak. She wiped the blood from her cheek. She couldn't kill him. Yet atleast. He was one of Tenen's bestfriends so he would die last, she decided.

Gavin looked on at the battlefield and realized no side would win the war. Each had a weapon Rin and Tenen but the mistake they had made was pitting them against each other. They never could destroy each other. Maybe if he found a way to kill Tenen the scales would tip in their favor and just maybe they would win the war. So he bid his time and just as Tenen was being attacked from all sides by his fellow soldiers both from the sky and the ground he saw his window of opportunity and did not think twice as he sent the silver arrow sailing towards his heart.

Rin felt the arrow sailing through the air as if by instinct, time slowed and even as she watched it she knew no one could stop it not even Tenen’s dark shadows. She saw the arrow strike through his amour straight for his heart. Her breath held and without thinking twice she whispered the forbidden ancient words. The ground cracked, the sky grew dark and she cracked completely.

Tenen couldn't fathom what had happened. He was certain he was supposed to be dead; the silver arrow was headed for his heart after all, but why was he still alive. He was on his back looking up at the sky. Something had happened and in the pit of his stomach he knew it would change him completely.

The air was static as though a powerful spell had been cast. It almost hurt to breath it in. The soldiers had stopped fighting as though commanded by the magic. They stood each with their weapons lowered in confusion and it made things even worse. He needed to find her. He stood up and immediately scanned the battlefield, his eyes always did search for her.

Something was terribly wrong, the bond it was weaker; something was definitely amiss. What had she done. As if by instinct he looked to the sky just in time to see her fall.

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