The Bodyguard

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Rin had her arms around Gavin but it just didn’t feel right. He wasn’t Tenen and though he had all been a lie, she still wanted to be close to him. He had hurt her though but here was Gavin willing to give her everything but she just couldn’t say yes to it; it just felt extremely wrong. They pulled apart and Gavin put his hand on her cheek, he was looking at her in a way that could not be mistaken for anything else. He wanted to kiss her and as he leaned closer some part of her wanted to kiss him back just to make the hurt go away.

Tenen had waited all of thirty minutes before he had realized his mistake. He knew he couldn’t live without her and though they had not mated yet he needed her like he needed air to breathe. She was a major part of him that much he was willing to admit to himself.

With that in mind he closed his eyes and let their bond teleport him to exactly where she was. He landed in what he assumed was her room; she was standing close to the door but she wasn’t alone, some guy was with her and what was worse was he was looking at her like he wanted to do things only Tenen was allowed to do to her. He felt his anger rising and the shadows around him seemed to darken.

‘if you continue touching her I promise I will kill you in a way no fae has ever been killed before.’

Rin had not expected how her heart beat had sped up by the mere sound of his voice. He had come after her, did that mean she was not the only one responsive to the bond. Did he need her as much as she needed him?

Gavin stepped back immediately. He pulled Rin behind him to shield her away from the intruder as he nocked his arrow and aimed. He looked at the direction the voice had come from and all he could see were shadows. He had heard rumors of the rebel spymaster’s powers but had never seen them in real life.

The last time they had met he had been chained, weak and wounded so seeing him now he felt a spark of fear travel down his spine.

No one had ever seen the spymaster at his full potential, even he knew that the former never lost control; he had always kept his powers on a tight leash but here he was right in front of him radiating anger shrouded in darkness, which all seemed to be aimed at him. It was basic instinct that he released the silver arrow as his brain perceived the spymaster as a threat.

Rin had not expected Gavin to shoot his arrow at Tenen. She was in shock as she watched the arrow fly towards Tenen aiming for his chest but it barely grazed his shadows. It seemed to touch his shadows and stop disintegrating into nothing. She knew she had to do something before one killed the other and even though she could not admit it out loud she knew who would end up still breathing.

Rin stepped in front of Gavin to prevent Tenen from retaliating and pulled his arm so he could look at her. It took a whole minute before he finally looked at her.

‘hey it’s all right I can handle him, could you please leave I need to talk to him alone. Don’t worry he can’t hurt me’

The last part Rin added as a way to rid Gavin of the sceptical look he had on his face. She was certain of it though. Her mate would never willingly hurt her.

Gavin had wanted to protest but Rin was right, the spymaster would never hurt his mate. It was one of the rules of a mating bond hence with one finally look at the spymaster he walked out.

Tenen had not liked how his mate had stood in front of the guy he assumed was her guard as if to protect him and the more he thought about it the angrier he became. He could feel the raw magic pulsing through his veins as if begging to be unleashed. It seemed iron didn’t affect him anymore, the arrow the guard had shot at him being a confirmation to his suspicions. How was that possible? He had always been susceptible to it but now it did nothing. He couldn’t explain it but the magic he had kept on a tight leash now wanted to be released and he feared he would not be able to control it. He suspected it had everything to do with the beautiful girl before him. She moved towards him but he feared he might hurt her. He was definitely not in control.

‘don’t come closer I don’t think I can control it; I don’t want to hurt you’

Rin watched Tenen and the darker his shadows became, she knew it was a matter of time before he lost complete control and who knew what would happen. She walked slowly closer to him till his shadows sorrounded her too and it was as though they were in their own little bubble. This close Rin could see his electric blue eyes. Though they had darkened and were a darker blue and reminded her of waves crashing. She suspected just as waves were powerful in that violent way of storms so was the boy who stood before her and only one word crossed her mind at that moment.


Tenen's eyes had not left Rin since that wretched guard had left. Her eyes too were on him. And he could swear electricity crackled between them. The air was charged but he knew it had majorly to do with the fact that his powers were a hair's breath away from breaking the tight leash he always had on them. But when she stood before him all he saw was her, how her red hair framed her face, how her green eyes looked at nothing but him and this close he could clearly see the light freckles that doted the bridge of her nose. Her eyes watched him as if he was the only thing she could see and all he wanted to do was kiss her.

‘you could never hurt me; don’t you understand, your power was created to balance mine out, it was created to control my power as mine was created to balance yours, hence we can never really destroy each other without destroying ourselves in the process.’

Rin felt the tiny buzz of electricity when her hand rested slowly on his cheek. It brought a small smile to her face because she realized no one in this lifetime would ever evoke such a feeling from her. When both her hands rested on his cheeks his eyes on nothing else but her, she brought his face closer to hers and finally kissed him. 

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