The Meeting

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Rin had felt the shift in the air that afternoon as though something was bound to happen that would alter her usual routine. Part of her yearned for the step out of the norm but the other felt an inkling of terror as though bracing her for what was to come, it being unpleasant.

The feeling seemed to build up over the hours and by nightfall she almost felt faint, her heart was beating a mile per minute and it was slowly driving her insane.

The tugging in her chest seemed to worsen as if an invisible string was pulling her towards her father's throne room. In a trance, she quickly got dressed in a loose grey tunic with matching pants and after carelessly fastening her boots, walked briskly towards her fathers throne room, her heart lodged in her throat, fearing what awaited her.

Tenen hadn't expected for them to be caught. If he had forseen even the slightest chance of that happening, he would have insisted on going alone but even he knew neither Rowan nor Callum would have agreed. His brain was going through all the possible escape routes and plans that he could think of but all of them seemed to have a major flaw; how they could bypass the tyrant king without him killing them.

The information his spies had acquired had all been a ruse to drag them into the capital city.

He remembered how the guards had surrounded them both in numbers and with iron so as to dull their powers and without their powers they had only been capable of holding them off for a couple of minutes before they were overpowered and soon captured but not without lacking any injuries.

Rowan was still fuming and as he caught his mate, Carinthia's eye he knew he should never have allowed her to come. The idea had been absurd but he could not have left those rebels to perish under the tyrant king though now he felt foolish for not considering his options thoroughly. He looked to Tenen his second in command but could find no way of blaming him since he too had been blinded by the end result and in the end it had only been a phantom mission. He didn't know how he would get them out of this; this being them currently kneeling in the tyrant kings throne room chained with iron shackles to bind their magic, but one thing was for certain he would not let them die there even if it meant sacrificing himself.

Rin pushed the side door which the king often used to get into the throne room aside and slipped in careful not to be spotted by the guard stationed around the room. She had just taken a few steps in the room when she made eye contact with her father. She did notice the flicker of anger that passed through his face before he schooled it back to his usual indifference facade. But her minds focus was just not on him so she broke eye contact and looked to the floor before she got scared and run back to her room like the good obedient daughter she definitely was.

Tenen felt it before he actually saw her. The power shift in the room. And as he surveyed his friends he noticed they had noted it too. He looked to the king's far left but as his eyes swept past the king he noted a wave of wariness pass over his face for a spit second before his usual mask of indifference replaced it. He would have missed it had he not been trained to pick up the slightest changes in his surroundings. Tenen looked to the side and that's when he finally saw her. It did not escape him how she was easily the most beautiful person he had ever set his eyes on and given the chance he would probably gaze up at her all day. Though he was in a lot of pain, his gaze seemed to focus on her and only her. A jolt of pain through his wing though reminded him of his predicament and he took his gaze off of her, though unwillingly, and returned to focusing on not crumbling in front of both his friends and his enemies.

Rin could sense the barley controlled anger emanating from her father. She knew she was its cause since she had broken his first rule. No one outside her father's court was to know of her existence and she had just ruined that by letting members of the resistance see her. Before her father could get close enough to grab her arm and haul her back to her room she started towards the rebels kneeling before her father's throne. As she approached them she took them all in.

The first was a man who had the air of leadership around him, he seemed to be the leader and not just because a great number of guards seemed to surround him each watching him very closely.

Next to him was a woman. She was standing just a step behind the first as though he was subconsciously hiding her behind him in case of an attack; his mate.

The other three were crouched on the ground. One guy had his wings badly singed and Rin knew immediately that it was from her father's deadly wave of fire, an ability he acquired from mastering dark magic. The other two though are who peeked Rin's interest. One, the girl seemed to be cradling the final guy's body in her lap and as she watched them she could feel her anger flaring up but what shocked her though is how two strangers she had never met before were able to evoke such an emotion from her. But as she made eye contact with the guy it finally clicked in place; her desire to be in the throne room, her misplaced anger.

He was on his knees with two arrows in his left wing. Not just arrows, arrows tipped in molten iron; poisonous. They were one of her father's special weapons, one which he controlled the poison and could manipulate the molten iron to flow in whichever direction he desired, since it was melted from a special cast of iron enchanted by her father.

Rin approached them cautiously. She faintly heard her father tell her to stop but she knew she couldn't. The rebels' bodies seized up as if anticipating an attack as she approached them but, that was due to the scent of unease that clung to her like a second skin, as though telling them to run without needing to speak a word. She gave none of them a second glance, her attention slowly on the dark haired boy who was slowly dying. The girl stepped in Rin's way creating a kind of barrier between her and the dying boy but a simple wave of her hand made her body do as Rin commanded and stand aside.

Rin knelt before him as everyone held their breath waiting for what was to come. Her hand moved unconsciously as though unsure at first and lightly caressed his injured wing lightly. He shuddered either from pain or the jolt that came from a mate's first touch, she did not know. Her right hand slowly traveled to the first arrow and just by a touch it instantly vanished closing up the wound. she repeated her actions on his second arrow wound. She touched his face next, he seemed to have many questions since he did not understand what was going on, maybe he had not recognized the mate bond, felt it yet due to him being weak from the attack. As he opened his mouth to clear up some of his confusion, Rin kissed him silencing both him and his questions. As she pulled away she uttered one word shocking the entire room.


If you have reached this far thanks for reading I really appreciate it. Here's a heart ♥
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