Deep Slumber

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Tenen was not fast enough; she hit the ground before he reached her but that did not stop him from running to her. No one picked her up. No one dared. And when he reached her she was barely breathing, her breathes coming out in small shallow ones. His heart was in his throat. This was not how the day was supposed to end. If he had known, he would have gladly conceded to defeat. He couldn't lose her and as he picked her up to carry her home praying there was someone who would know what to do he realised he had never felt as lost before.

The healers he had called were all useless. None of them knew what was wrong with her and he could have killed them for merely not trying their best. They were in her room and she was laying on the bed. He had removed her armor and as it fell plate by plate his mind could not help but recall of a time they had been happy but it had barely lasted and the fued between them had won in the end.

'I have contacted the dark mage'

Gavin had never spoken to her mate before but he still loved her enough to be civil around him. He had called the only person he had heard from the rumors, which were more of truth of the only person who had tried helping her mother long ago and it was ironic that she too would be in need of his aid. As the dark mage walked in, he couldn't help but notice the similar markings that were on Rin on his skin and as he looked at them he noticed the mage's were older, sitting deeper on his skin unlike those that no doubt flecked Rin's body.

'The only way to save her is to put her in a magic-induced comma. It might just give her enough time to heal herself. It is though not a guarantee if she will wake up but it's the best option she has. I fear she is in limbo but I can't be certain. The only problem is it's dark magic and I know you rebel's thoughts on dark magic'

'Do it'

'Are you sure'

Tenen voice was an octave lower as he tried to process what the mage had said. He would save her even with the very thing he knew he had despised its use of. If he could he could have given his life for her just as she had done moments before.

'Don't ask me again. Do it now'

'Okay '

Tenen watched apprehensive as the mage practiced his spell. He focused on her face willing her to wake up but she never did and it almost broke him. The hope in his heart that the mage would be successful dwindled so close to reality that he knew it would break him if he was not successful.

Nothing changed but as the magic effects wore off he knew without a doubt that she was gone. She was still alive but barely, she just wasn't there like before; and between the beats of her heart Tenen's soul crumbled to ashes.

Rowan watched his friend. He was still in his armor yet he dared not tell him to go take it off. He wanted to comfort him but one look at Tenen's eyes he knew he was too close to breaking that he almost did not want to shake him out of his trance. It was all that was currently holding him together.

Rowan knew he had to be there for Tenen even if she was a monster, she was all that he valued and her being in that bed reminding him of how powerless he was to bring her back was going to be the end of him. If they were not careful Tenen would turn into a monster and those against him would fear him as he would be their great horror. He was the new king after all. Effective after the war and its events. He was her mate so it was his right to rule.

The first time ever a non royal would rule.

***A week later ***

She lay in the silver bed it reflecting the morning sunlight pouring in through the open windows. Tenen swore she looked like she was sleeping and in a matter of seconds her eyes would open and she would be smiling up at him, the same smile she rarely gave but he cherished all the more because most times he had met her it was almost always directed at him; but the moment never came no matter how badly he hoped for it.

She looked like a sleeping princess, only she was a queen, on a bed of glass. A queen failed by her people, failed by him. What killed him most though was the uncertainty of her recovery. The mage had not been a hundred percent sure if she would ever wake up. She had not outright said it but it was clearly written all over her face.

She had to wake up, Tenen knew he would rather die than spend his lifetime without her. He was on his knees on the side of her bed and for the first time he seeked the help of the gods he had seen so many pray to, and as he finished off his prayer he grabbed her hands willing her to wake up but she didn't.

She was not waking up.


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