The Spymaster

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Rin had not known what drove her to follow him in the dead of the night but what she did know is she needed to see him again, and here she was face to face with a man she did not even know the name of, yet felt an unbelievable connection to. It was like nothing she had ever felt before, the constant need to be in his presence. Her hands ached to touch him again to feel the electric skin on skin contact; it was euphoric and she was already addicted.

She walked slowly towards him and as they stood facing each other she knew she just had to touch him again so she grabbed his left hand with her right and meshed their fingers together. She expected the jolt of electricity, but what she didn't expect was the blinding pain that came with it. All she knew was one moment she was looking into his electric blue eyes the next she was blacked out.

Callum didn't think mating bonds usually made the couple pass out, but here was one example just by one touch and they were both out of it. He had never seen anything like it. But then their hands glowed and an intricate tattoo formed just where their hands held just above the wrist confirming to him it was dark magic, her father most likely, she didn't look like the type to practice black magic. He didn't know what do, what to think but one thing was for certain he had to get his best friend and his mate inside away from prying eyes. He was certain Tenen would not take kindly to them just gawking at him as he was sprawled on the ground. And as he made a move to help them, it seemed Rowan had thought as much as well.

Arion had known his daughter would follow that damn spymaster. No one could ever resist a mating bond. As he looked at his daughter's empty bed stuffed with pillows underneath to give the illusion that there was someone under the covers he found himself relieved he had secretly cast the binding spell over her. If she touched that spymaster they would be bound together. Anything that happened to her would happen exactly to him and vice versa.

It prided Arion that only he could break the spell. It was the only way he knew to protect her. Who knew what they would do to her for having the misfortune of being related to him. There were his enemies so he hardly trusted them. He knew if he dared run after her she would most definitely not come home that instant. He needed her to see what staying with the spymaster was like before he brought her back. Their love was already doomed. One side had to surrender and he was certain it would not be his; he had done too much to be where he was right now for some rebels to botch all his hard work. Rin needed to choose a side and what better way than for her to stay and see what life with the spymaster was like before he shattered it with reality.

Tenen opened his eyes and realised he was at the medbay in camp. He tried to remember what had happened to find himself there; the last thing he could remember was holding hands with his mate. His mate. Where was she? He sat up and was about to get out of bed and go in search of her when he saw her on the bed next to his.

Tenen watched her as she slept. Her red hair was sprawled on the pillow and she looked ethereal. As he watched her it finally hit him, they'd had no formal introduction and he still did not even know her name and he doubted she knew his. She turned and he caught a glimpse of her right hand which had an intricate tattoo similar to the one on his left hand. He had seen it before.

A binding spell.

Dark magic. What was his mate doing dabbling in dark magic?

Rowan walked slowly into the medical center and was relieved to see Tenen awake just who he needed to talk to; but Tenen did not react in any way that indicated he had heard Rowan walk in. His eyes were fixed on his sleeping mate. Rowan almost didn't want to interrupt him. No one had ever seen the spymaster in love so this was a first for Rowan but he had more important things to discuss.

'Ten we need to talk'

Tenen looked at his friend and leader, he had an inkling of how their conversation would go and he almost did not want to have that conversation but Rowan walked out before he could decline forcing him to reluctantly follow him outside readying himself for the inevitable.

'She is his daughter Ten she cannot stay'

Before Tenen could even speak Rowan had made the topic of their conversation very clear. His mate.

'She is staying'

'He will come for her. You know I'm right. We need to send her back before he arrives and ruins us all'


'What should we do then with her'

'Till he comes she stays here with me'

Rowan wanted to argue but a single look in his friend's eyes, the determination there, he knew he would be fighting a losing battle. If he dared to kick her out he knew Tenen would defend her and he much preferred their counsel not pitted against each other especially with the inevitable imminent arrival of the tyrant king, Arion.

'Fine. She can stay; but don't forget what will happen when he arrives'

Tenen watched Rowan walk away. There was nothing else Rowan could say on the matter to convince him otherwise. Tenen's answer would remain the same. She would stay by his side. He went back into the medbay and sat back down on his bed; his mate was still asleep. Tenen did not feel like spending another second in the medical clinic. He had noticed the growing number of eyes outside the clinic no doubt wanting to get a glimpse of his mate, the Tyrant King's daughter; word did spread fast. Tenen stood up and carried her off the bed, he did not miss the electricity that came with their skins touching. It still baffled him how each time his heart skipped a beat.  He walked outside and flew up to his house which was on the other side of the camp but not before the growing crowd outside got a look at his mate igniting some hushed conversations. She would be safe in his house he had decided. No one would dare go snooping in his personal space. Tenen knew as much as the people respected him they still feared him and his power and now would be a perfect opportunity to make use of that fear.

He placed her in his bed and as he watched her sleep snuggling deeper into his pillow Tenen knew Rowan was right. It would only be a matter of time before Arion came to collect her and when he would come there was bound to be carnage in his wake and they needed to get ready for it.

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