The Mate's Touch

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When he broke the kiss and the haze over her mind lifted it finally hit her. They were in the catacombs a floor above the dungeons. Where she had stashed twelve of his people.

Twelve of his people she planned to kill.

'Can we go somewhere else.'

Her heart was beating too fast. If they stayed he would find out about the men she had captured and he would know exactly what she planned to do but he agreed to her wish not even doubting her for a second.

'Ofcource. I know the perfect place. Take my hand.'

Rin had never been teleported by somebody else who was not her father before. She had never known how it felt to not be in control of the destination and it excited her. Everytime her father took her places she knew exactly where they were going. This time it was different. This time it was Tenen and she would go anywhere with him and for just one night she wanted it to be only about them so she grabbed his hand stepping as close as she could to him.

Her feet touched the ground and she slowly opened her eyes. They were in a meadow in a place she had never seen before. A little cabin was built next to the stream that ran beside the medow and under the moonlight the place looked magical. The stream was flowing slowly and the ripples in the water soothed her eyes.

Bathe with me.'

Rin looked at Tenen after his words, she had not noticed he too looked right out of war but she looked far worse. She had never undressed before a man before but she did not fear him. She stripped her armor plate by plate till she was left standing in the clothes underneath. She stood at the very edge of the stream and she could feel him standing behind her, his body heat slowly seeping into her own.

'Jump in.'

Rin couldn't stop the way her body reacted to him, his words, the ache in his voice and as they stood with only the moon as their only source of light she couldn't help but want to be even closer to him. To feel his heartbeat underneath her palms. As she got into the water and him behind her she couldn't help but turn to look at him only to find his eyes already on her. Rin couldn't help but get lost in his eyes. They were so blue that she could have sworn they sparkled. Rin's breath kept catching in her chest constricting it and she felt like she could not breathe. It was all because of the boy who stood before her and she had never loved anything as much as she felt she loved him at that moment.

Tenen's heart kept missing beats, too swept up in his emotions that he had no choice but to drown in all of it and drown he did. And as they both shed the last remaining pair of clothes, he couldn't help the way he felt.

Tenen hands were firm finding ways to bring her closer and closer that all he wanted was more and more of her.
Her skin was soft when it brushed against his. And as he cupped the water to wash of the blood on her cheek, her hands trailed up his torso and where they touched they burned him in ecstacy.

His hands slowly traveled up and wound up in her hair reeling her in till they were breathing the same breath, so close that all she could see was him and only him; and then she kissed him without restraint, without hesitation, his hands digging in her hair and her nails leaving marks on his back as he pulled her even closer to him leaving absolutely no space between them.

He was drugged by the feel of her, lost in the expanse of her bare skin. All the warmth, all the heat and sweetness he felt as she stood against him could hardly be contained, and deep down he knew he did not want to. He slowly picked her up by her thighs and walked out of the water. The walk to the cabin was slow yet he had never moved so impossibly fast in his life. And as he grabbed the door handle she kissed him again and he almost forgot about going inside wanting to take her right there in the wild but she was a queen and he restrained himself. They were no people around for miles but whose to say a wanderer might be lucky enough to get that far and he felt the moment was too intimate to be seen by anyone except they themselves.

As he watched her, his hands softly trailing her body, her eyes on him as he slowly lay her on the bed in the corner of the small room, the moonlight streaming in through the window forming shadows on their skin, Tenen knew nothing mattered in that moment.

Not the war.

Not the fact that they were on opposite sides.

All that mattered was them.

And that very moment.

Tenen's lips left feather light kisses from her jaw to her neck, each kiss rewarded with a soft moan from her lips. His calloused hands ran over her smooth skin and everywhere they touched they left goosebumps in their wake. Her hands were in his hair pulling him even closer and in the small cabin under the night sky their souls became one as their bodies merged with only I love you's being the only words whispered between them.

Rin woke up a little before sunrise. She was still in his arms and she felt right at home. He would always be her safe haven she realised no matter how the next few days would break them. She observed Tenen as he slept, how peaceful he looked; but she knew she had to leave otherwise she might just be tempted to stay, so unwrapping his arms from her body she gave him one last lingering kiss, and picked up her scattered armor laying outside before she teleported back to the castle to begin her plan.

Praying it would not break her beyond repair.

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