The Rebel Camp

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Tenen had woken up to his bed empty and he could feel the panic slowly rising before he noticed the note lying on the pillow scribbled in a rush calming him down but only slightly.

Gone for a walk around the town, don't worry. Rin.


So that was her name. Beautiful. He could definitely spend his entire day just saying her name. The last time he had been enamored with a name it had been his mother's, but that had been a long time ago. Too long.

He needed to find Rin. Who knew what the people would do to her when she was alone without his protection; though deep down he knew they would be the ones to pay if they dared try to hurt her. She was powerful and she could likely kill them all if she wanted. He had felt her power when he had seen her for the very first time and dreaded whoever would get on her bad side. He just hoped no one would.

Rin was in awe of the Rebel Camp. It wasn't like any town or city she had ever seen. It had harsh edges, dirty metal, spikes and a looming mountain in the distance and yet it held a beauty that was hard to comprehend. Even the people that walked the streets had something about them. They were different like people accustomed to hardship unlike those in the castle.

Rin could feel their eyes on her. She was hardly inconspicuous with her bright red hair only found in the royal family, making it more harder for her to blend in the crowd. Every move she made they watched her. Some did it secretly while others where blatantly staring at her. She hoped Rowan their leader, had given them instructions not to harm her in any way but she still did not feel safe. She was the next heir and if they really wanted to cripple her father she was their best bet.

Her hair was on edge and she was ready for any confrontation. If they attacked she would not lie down and take it. Her power bubbled just beneath the surface of her skin and she knew her green eyes had started to change showing the power that she wielded.

Tenen watched her as she walked among his people. They gave her waring glances and most did not want to get too close. It angered him how they treated her but he could do nothing to stop them. They had every right in fearing her.

After all you fear what you don't know or understand.

Tenen watched Rin look at the various buildings the camp had. She looked so amazed by it that he decided he would show her the tunnels in the mountain that very night. They were the camps most well kept secret since they were a form of escape if the camp was ever under attack and the other side was winning.

The tunnels had markings inside which only the counsel knew about that showed the right paths to take as some could lead to a person being lost in the mountain forever, he had never ventured as far so he did not know for how long one could be lost. He knew he was not supposed to show them to her but he wanted to. He trusted her and deep down he hoped she was worthy of that trust. He would not know what he would do if she betrayed him.

Though what scared him the most was how they would be at such close proximity not a person around for miles, and he did not trust himself not to be tempted to make her his. Could he really control himself since she was not ready for that just yet? As he thought the words he knew it was more of hope than anything else but he still prayed he could do it. He had been trained not to lose control. It had taken him years and now he felt confident he had mastered the art perfectly or so he hoped.

'What are we to do with her. She can't just walk among us like she is one of us'

Tenen had not heard Zanna walk up and stand next to him. They had barely talked since the attack when she had held him in the Mad King's throne room. He knew she did not like Rin one bit. Maybe it was because of who she represented, her father or something else he was not certain.

'I will deal with her. She is my responsibility'

'Ten don't forget she is a weapon. His weapon. Do not forget it. You can use a spear as a walking stick but that does not change its nature.'

Tenen knew Zanna was right. None of them knew the extent of Rin's power and her father's influence on her. What if her father had been the one to send her to wipe them out, but as he watched her try to play with the children he knew that was highly unlikely atleast he hoped as much.

'She is not his weapon. She can't be.'

'Don't be naive. See past that cloud covering your eyes for what she really is. If you won't then I will. Any move she makes against you, against us I will kill her myself.

Tenen could have just killed her for her reckless words alone but opted to threaten her instead. His mate would not approve of his murdering ways this early in their relationship. He had been looking at his mate for one second the next he had Zanna by her throat against the wall. Her words angered him.

No one was allowed to hurt her.

'Do you see what this is'

Tenen gave her a few seconds to actually look at the tattoo on his arm and realise what it really was. From her facial expression he knew she recognized the intricate tattoo; the mark of the spell, and not just any spell, a binding spell.

'I haven't made a promise in a long time but I'm promising you this, if you harm a hair on her head you will have already gone against me and I will kill you for it; and I will do so smiling while bathing in your blood. Understood.'

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