The Mother

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Rin's eyes zeroed in on her mother's face. They had landed in one of the hallways just outside the throne room facing one of the many portraits of her mother that lined most if not all of the halls.

'Is it true what everyone says about her?'

Rin had never met her mother but she had heard people speak about her; when they thought she was not listening. It sometimes scared her especially when they used the word she feared ever becoming.


'It doesn't matter what people say. I knew her and that's all that matters'

Some of the rumors still rang in her head even now. How her mother had succumb to the darkness of black magic and finally completely lost herself to it, but she hardly believed it. Her father spoke so highly of her mother that she could not believe it. No one ever spoke of her directly and even her father barely shed much light on her. The only thing she had were the portraits that hung on the palace hallways but even those told nothing true of her mother.

Arion could see how his daughter's face scrunched up as she looked at Cyrena's picture. He had no doubts that she was replaying some of the things she had heard about her no doubt. Most were true he knew but they were largely out of context. People did not see how she had suffered, they merely saw what she ended up becoming thus all the judgment.

'Even the most beautiful places turn dark during the night and she was no exception.'

Rin was confused. Her father's words were criptic and they gave nothing of what she had always craved to know for most of her life.

'I do not understand'

'You do not have to, all you need to know is you were her greatest achievement.'

His words silenced all the questions swimming in Rin's mind. The words comforted her in a way but she was exhausted mentally to continue the conversation. She needed to sleep; it was the only way she knew how to deal with the emotion she was currently experiencing.


'I'm going to bed. Goodnight father.'

Arion watched his daughter start to walk away. He could see from her expression and the way she carried herself how the day was taking a toll on her. He knew her mind would drift back to the spymaster in no time so he could hardly resist giving her one last piece of advice concerning his feelings on her mate and what he represented.

'Rin I care about you. The moment you let them conquer your mind from something as weak as your heart you have already lost. They will use that spymaster to dethrone me and once they do that they will disgard you for your blood relation to me. Understand. I have to protect you Rin even if it hurts you. You're my little girl.'

Rin had not expected those words from her father but even she knew there was little he could actually do to stop the inevitable. She had assumed since he had not brought up her mate during their conversation that he would probably act like their bond did not exist; she was wrong. She walked towards the general direction of her room and as she turned the corner leaving the hallway and her father behind, she stopped and turning to her father gave him a weak smile.

'Father, I am not your little girl anymore.'

Gavin observed Rin as he followed behind her. He had been summoned almost immediately when they had arrived to escort Rin back to her room. Maybe her father thought she would leave again but as he watched her walk she looked like she no longer possessed the energy to run after her mate. What had changed? She had been gone for only a day yet she had come back so different. Her walk no longer held the skip in her step as if she couldn't wait to get to where she was going even if it was a simple sword practice with him. He recalled the last time they had spared together. It had been the morning before the day she met him.

He was the next in line for the position of head of the royal guard capable of commanding his own army so he had been the best chance at training Arion's next heir. Throughout the entire training practice on that day her head had not been in it and he had bested her more than ten times which was unusual since he had only ever gone as far as three times in sword practice. Gavin had watched her with a puzzled expression since she rarely allowed herself to be sorely distracted, it irked him to the point that he wanted to comment about it but had not seemed to find the right words at that moment.

Deciding to ask her about it at dinner had been his best bet to getting the information but she had skipped their ritual dinner which, as he thought about it now he realised she might just have been avoiding his interrogation. He found out her reasons later that night.

A reason he did not like.

He had always liked her and some part of him believed that she would have returned his affections had that wretched mate of hers not made an appearance.

Maybe now was his chance.

They had arrived in her room but Gavin did not want to leave just yet. She looked sad and he felt it was his duty to cheer her up.

'How about tomorrow I let you beat the crap out of me in training?'

Gavin knew she could if she wanted to. She was definitely stronger and more powerful so it would have been super easy for her even if he was better at combat than her she was definitely better at the magical aspect of battle.

'Don't I do that everytime.'

The smile that accompanied her words made a similar smile grace his lips. He had achieved what he wanted. He could now leave knowing he had atleast made her smile.

'Good night Gavin.'

Gavin had not expected the hug that came with her words but he did not mind it in the slightest. She rarely hugged him at all but no matter how much he wanted to make it last she was too vulnerable at the moment to make any of her emotions real and he was not one to take advantage. Though as they separated with their hands still around each other he wanted nothing more than to kiss her; but as he looked into her eyes only one statement rang in his mind.

'I can't kiss her no matter how much I want to.'

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