The Mother's Book

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When she stepped back into her room she felt it instantly.

Her mother's book.

Calling out to her.

She had placed it in her dressing table after she had known of her father's death and willed herself to forget about it but now she was alone and she was on a mission. As she stood in the empty room the pull to Tenen was stronger than the book's call and all she wanted was to go back to him and forsake the war but she couldn't. She couldn't disappoint her father so all she was left with was forcefully accepting her fate.

Rin couldn't admit it but she knew she felt lost. She had lost everything and since her father's death things just seemed to be slowly spiraling out of control. And now as she looked at her dressing table all she could think about was how she was about to do something she was certain her father would not approve of; but she needed to win the war and they only way that her mind knew how to was with the help of black magic.

And now seated even closer to the book just a few feet from the drawer that held her mother's book she knew it was a matter of time before she gave in to its call and picked it up.

When the sun finally rose in the sky so did her resolve crumble and on shaky legs she opened the drawer picking up the book and as she closed it her eyes couldn't help but see the letter her father had left her still folded up neatly in the drawer and her heart felt heavy.

Book in hand she learned the words no one had heard in centuries since the magic inside the book was meant to be forgotten long ago. And finally she gave into the darkness, the girl she was destined to be. She had tried resisting for far too long and for once she was finally tired of it all, someone had to be the villain right? Who better than her. She was her father's prodigy so it was only fitting.

The first spell she learned hurt. But she bore with it and as she studied more and more of the spells committing each and every one of them to memory she felt the power of that type of magic. When she was halfway through it she tried practicing some of the simple spells she had learned and each came with pain but they were all successful in the end and it made her smile. She had transferred into the bathroom for more privacy and as her eyes landed on anything but the mirror her body felt all the consequences that came with black magic. She knew it would hurt but she was hardly prepared for the onslaught of emotion mainly pain that assaulted her body frame.

She gripped the rim of the porcelain sink and tried to steady her hands. The dark magic was seeping into her.

It hurt.


But she was too fargone to turn back.

She could feel it changing her, making her even more powerful than before as her magic slowly intertwined with the black magic finally fullfilling the destiny set by her mother.

'One last time' she whispered to herself.

One. Last. Time.

And her mouth begun to recite the last words from the few remaining spells and finally she had gained all the knowledge she would need for the spell. The only thing missing was the trigger for the magic to work. She had learned of it after her father's death and if she had known earlier she would have done it sooner and maybe just maybe he would still be alive even at that very moment.

For the spells to work they had to be activated by the blood of twelve people.

The words rang in her mind as she remembered the words she had seen scribbled on the back of the book with curvasive writings she could only assume had been her mother's. She had spent over an hour reading those words and before the ambush she had made a decision that would change her forever.

She had decided to activate the spell and no better way than to use his men who had started this entire rift between her father and them. So she had gotten Gavin to grab them for her and they sat in the dungeons slowly waiting to fulfill their purpose in her new destiny.

Rin knew this was a different type of magic, a darker magic. Not dark magic but black magic. As the whorl of darkness whipped through the air forming cracks on the walls sorrounding her, the painful markings on her body finally made sense.

The price for using it

But it was too late to back out now. She had already picked the darkness and it felt exhilarating. Tenen would not want her after what she was about to do, she was positive of it. He would hate her for what she had let herself become. It scared her even letting him see her this way but lucky for her they would only meet in battle and she would crush them all till they would finally concede and forcefully accept her rule.

As she stood up her face briefly reflected on the mirror and as she made eye contact with her reflection for a moment she felt as if she had really shattered.

The soldiers she had taken from the battlefield were all kneeling in a line in the throne room.

His soldiers.

The knife that had belonged to her mother was gripped firmly in her hands and as she stood behind the first soldier she felt nothing as she slit his throat whispering the unholy words and all she thought about at that very moment was how she would be victorious in the end.

Each soldier she killed smearing a little of their blood on different parts of her body made her feel nothing. Maybe the spell would work when all the men were dead.

When she had killed all twelve men she finally felt it. The power of black magic it seeped into her and made her feel power, so in her grasp that she felt she resembled a god. She would not lose this time round.

They would all tremble at her power.

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