The Revelation

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Rin knew something was wrong the instant the commotion started. It confused her, her father ran a tight ship that nothing ever fazed the palace but as she walked the halls everyone and everything was in disarray. Her stomach churned and deep down she knew everything was going to change. Something was terribly wrong and parts of her feared finding out what, but she needed to know. She finally conceded to stopping one of the maids scurrying about to ask what was really happening. The maid's answer caused her heart to instantly lodge in her throat as a fear she had never experienced started to set in.

Its your father your highness, he is injured.

Those words rang in her head and as if in a trance she did not notice she was at the palace doors awaiting their arrival. When he arrived she almost cried out. He was on a stretcher. The men carrying him nearly tripping on their own feet as they tried to reach the healer. There was so much blood that she did not even know where the wound begun or where it ended. Her hands were shaking as she looked at her father fighting for his life and she was scared he would lose it.

Gavin was following the men who carried their king when he saw her. She was slightly hidden by the doors but he noticed the look of despair on her face.


He gently tugged at her arm to get her to stop looking in the direction the soldiers had taken her father, one of two family members she had left.

'What happened'

Rin was scared to ask. Somehow she knew the answer to her question would be catastrophic but she needed to know.

'You do not know'

Was there a story she was supposed to be in the loop of. Her mind searched but came up blank.

'Know what'

'Your precious mate is the one who's hands wielded the sword that hurt him.'

Tenen did this. Why would he? Her mind was trying to find ways to understand his descision but she knew the answer even if she did not want to accept it.

Her father was his and his people's enemy.

' Liar'

Gavin could see the look of hurt cross Rin's face before she schooled it back to her father's famous indifference facade, and as he watched her he realised how much resemblance she held to her father.

'Why would I lie. He is playing you don't let him Rin. All he wanted is access to your father to destroy him.'

Rin's head was swimming with so many emotions but one triumphed them all.


She needed to think and come up with a plan but first she had to see her father.

'I... I... I can't. I need to see my father.'

Arion could still feel his blood seeping from his wound. He had felt its warmth as he tried to hold his sides together with his hands as the blood flowed between his fingers. He had never died but he had seen enough deaths to know what its onset looked like. He knew he was afraid but not for himself, he feared leaving her alone.


Leaving her with the burden to rule and the decisions that came with it.

Rin walked into her father's room her heart beating a mile a minute. The healer had left to get more clean clothing for his wound which had not yet stopped bleeding. One look at him and she knew he had but a few hours, a day at most if the healer did not find a way to staunch the bleeding. She placed her hand on his clammy one ready to give him a few words of reassurance before he spoke first. His grip on her hand tightened and as he spoke she barely recognized his voice. It was tired and raspy and did not show of the man he once was.


'Honey you need to avenge me. My spies have informed me that they attack the east village tonight to kill all my soldiers.
Rin one more think, let it free, your darkness it's been caged long enough, it is your true nature. Use it.'

The east village was one of her father's strongholds and soon it would be one of hers. She dreaded thinking of the future but snippets of it still managed to get through. She was not ready to fight but neither could she deny her father's request. As she looked at her father she realised he had given her free reign to use all of her powers, a thing she had never done since he had warned her against it on multiple occasions but he had finally given her permission and she planned on finding out the real extent of her powers.

It was past midnight when they arrived in Aberseen, the east village. She counted twenty soldiers. Cowards the lot of them. They planned on attacking when her father's men were asleep. She thought the rebel's were supposed to be the good guys but it seemed war blurred the lines between good and bad. She was in the shadows following silently. It was a solo mission yet as she watched them she knew she was far from prepared. It was the first time her father had assigned her a task and she hoped she would not fail him. They were headed for the town hall which housed most if not all of her father's war generals.

Her grip on her father's sword tightened as she passed the threshold. It was a King's sword passed from generation to generation so in him giving it to her he had confirmed her fears, he knew he was dying. The daggers, fifteen of them, all strapped on various parts of her body were heavily coated in molten iron and with the right spells she could put down a man with a single stab wound. All she had to do was make sure they did not come into contact with her skin. She almost laughed at the thought of being killed by her own weapons but before she had the luxury one of the rebels noticed her.

He did not even give her time to react as he charged towards her one of his colleagues following suite. Two of the molten daggers killed them in an instant as she had enchanted the iron straight to their hearts stopping them instantly.

As the first two soldiers dropped dead she thought she would feel remorse, pain but all she felt was exhilaration. The way her sword cut into their bodies made her smile and she wanted to feed the bloodlust calling out to her. And as she dropped body after body till no rebel remained all she felt was content at being exactly where she was supposed to be.

In the middle of the war with the blood of her enemies on her hands.

As she pushed the last body off of her, wiping her sword on the still warm body, her eyes found his.


He was there, a witness to her manslaughter.

Tenen stared at the bodies on the ground, at the girl covered in blood. His mate. He understood. He had a hand in her bloodlust he believed. Her eyes narrowed as she stood up from her crouching position pulling the sword out of her latest victim's chest in a slow pull. They were dark as though she had lost herself into the darkness. From her facial expression he knew she was not done with her murderous rampage and as he looked at her he feared he was her next target. He didn’t know how he could stop her. The darkness seemed to be in control and it scared him.

‘Perfect just who I wanted to destroy’

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