The Father And Her Love

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Rin did not know what to say. She was speechless. There was nothing she could say to make any of it go away, all the hurt, all the resentment he must have held for his father so she just hugged him. His skin was cool to the touch and her hands wound carefully around his back scared to touch gateways to even darker parts of his life. When his hands came around her so warm that she felt the feel of his palm through her clothes she realised he was the strongest person she knew for not letting any parts of his past destroy him.

A knock at her door made her instantly pull away and just in time as one of the palace maids, known for her prowess in spreading gossip walked in. She bowed not even batting an eyelash at seeing a shirtless Tenen in their princess' bed, which Rin knew was bound to spread through the palace before midday.

'Your highness your father requests for your presence in the throne room. Both of you'

Tenen knew sooner or later that her father would have learned of his visit but he had not expected it to be this soon. The guard in love with his girl had probably tattled. Nothing ever seemed to go as he planned. He dreaded seeing Arion. He was tired of fighting and all the games that came with war and had just wanted a single day where all that he could think of was his mate and wondering if she felt all the emotions that he experienced.

The walk to the throne room was painfully slow. Tenen felt too exposed. He much preferred slipping from shadow to shadow away from prying eyes but here he was walking in broad daylight in enemy lines. He would have sunk in the shadows had it not been for Rin whose hand intertwined with his as they walked to meet her tyrant of a father. When the doors to the throne room creaked open he almost pulled Rin behind him to shield her from Arion but only stopped at the last second. He would never cower before the mad king and he knew Rin would never do the same; each with different reasons but logical all the more.

'I heard we had a guest.'

Arion looked Tenen up and down. The spymaster unnerved him even if he would never show it. The boy had his daughter's affections and as he sat on his throne with only the three of them in the room he knew he was not the one who held the most power and it terrified him. He had always been in control but he could feel the control slowly slipping from his fingers.

'Boy do you know what I do to intruders'

Rin watched her father silently. Over the years she had grown into somewhat of an expert at reading his moods but now she could hardly tell if he was upset or angry. Maybe he was both. What bugged her though is she did not know if any of it was directed at her or at the man she called her mate, though what she did know is she needed to diffuse the situation before it got out of hand. Her father was as dramatic as they came so sparking a fight with just his words was not beneath him.

'Father play nice.'

Tenen did not miss the way Rin took a step closer to him which he could only interpret as a form of barrier between her father and him. Looking at the mad king he realised he too had noticed her movements as well but the look of indifference did not leave Arion's face for even a second. Tenen's senses were on high alert and his powers just beneath the surface, even if he knew Arion would never attack him with his daughter present it did not hurt to be prepared and cautious.

'What a situation we seem to have found ourselves in.'

Arion could almost laugh. Here was one of his enemies yet he could do nothing but talk to him. If he dared make a move he knew his daughter would not recover. He had never recovered. Loosing his mate had been a tipping point for his sanity and all that held him together now was his daughter. His daughter who was mated to one of his enemies. He knew this would not end well for him.

He remembered the first time he had met Rin's mother. He had been walking through the market familiarizing himself with his people in his time as a young king when she had attempted to swipe his royal coins. He had been distracted and if she wasn't his mate she would have succeeded and probably taken his pride with it; but the moment she got close to him, her hands touching his robes slightly he had felt the connection and was instantly hooked.

It had not taken much convincing to bring her back to court with him. Even now as he remembered that day he realised it was one of the most favorite days of his life.

Cyrena had been built for court. She eased into the role so flawlessly, so perfectly that no one could have guessed her delinquent days. She truly had been born a queen and all she had been missing was a crown. But even she had her weaknesses which came knocking when the doctors had arrived. He had tried everything in his power to ease her pain but he had not known how great it was. If he had known he would never have taught her dark magic much less watched as she practiced black magic. If he had known what it would do to her he would have stopped her but it was too late now to do anything about it. She was already dead. Death by craving what she could never have without the darkness.

She had wanted nothing more than a child.

And it destroyed her.

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