The Unseen Enemy

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Making sure to leave out exactly what was down in the tunnels with them, Aramore set off back toward the fortress. He held his staff in one hand for light, and his sword in the other, ready to attack anything that might jump out at him. Running at full charge back the way they had just come, Aramore looked down each tunnel that branched off as he passed them. He was followed swiftly in tow by Daemon, with Durane taking up the rear. They tore through the tunnel with incredible speed, trying to get back to the hatch so that they could get reinforcements, and head off in search of Leerah and Ezra who had gone the other way. Making their way back they swung and jabbed their swords at anything that stuck its head out, lunged, or jetted in their direction, out of any of the side tunnels. Frantically trying to stay alive they fended off the attacks of this yet unknown foe. With Aramore being the only one who knew what they were facing, the others could only see their shape appearing human or man like in the almost utter darkness, making them even more menacing.

They reached the ladder leading to the fortress, in less than half of the time it had taken them to make it to the crypt chamber. They quickly climbed the ladder, where Aramore found that the hatch had been closed and locked from above, forcing him to yell out for the others above to open the door at once. As he banged on the door with his staff for the fourth time, it finally swung open to reveal the fearful face of Yuen who had opened it.

'What happened? Why was that door closed and locked?' asked Aramore, frantically climbing from the hole.

'I am guessing it is for the same reason that you were in such a hurry to get back up here. Hang on where are Ezra and Leerah?' asked Yuen, looking into the dark hole, for the others.

'We came here first, to get reinforcements, before going after them' answered Aramore catching his breath.

'So, I wasn't out of my mind after all. I really did hear and see something down there?' said Yuen, relieved at first, then frightened for Leerah and Ezra.

'See, what did you see?' asked Aramore.

'Aramore we don't have time for this right now. We need to get back down there and go after Ezra and Leerah!' snapped Durane still looking down into the hole.

'I would rather try to be sure of exactly what it is that we are up against, before going back down there unaware and unprepared. Now what exactly did you see?' repeated Aramore, a little less kindly this time.

'That's just it, I don't exactly know myself...' started Yuen as he looked around the room at the others in fear of their judgement should they not believe him. 'Not long after you left, everyone was sitting around the table, while Arthur and I stood by the open trap door. We were talking about all of the things that had happened in the town, in the past few years, under Hectors rule. Suddenly we both heard a sound from down in the tunnel. At first, we thought that it might be you returning, so we called out. But when we got no response, and could only hear some kind of scurrying, coming from down below, we became suspicious. After a short while of looking down into the hole, we both saw some kind of human like creature down on all fours. It darted past the light in the direction of Leerah and Ezra. After that we closed the trap door and waited for one of you to come back. Since then we have been hearing a hive of activity down there, rustling and some kind of screeching. It's been somewhat unnerving to be honest!'

'Now enough of all of this Aramore, looking at your faces I can tell that all of you ran into something down in that tunnel. And from the sounds of what we all heard down there, it's clear that you were not alone. So, what exactly is going on down there? I thought that that was supposed to be a tunnel to this weapon. You didn't say anything about it being guarded, by some kind of evil creatures?' said Darmien furiously demanding an explanation, that he hoped Aramore would be able to give.

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