The Aftermath

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With the war over the people of Abberthorn tried to put their troubles behind them and look toward the future. Over the next few days and weeks, the people of Abberthorn worked tirelessly to clean up the battlefield. Some dug graves for the men and women who gave their lives for their land. While others combed through the bodies collecting their fallen comrades and preparing them for a proper burial. The bodies of their enemies were placed into piles and burned. Once each of the fallen heroes of Abberthorn had been prepared for their burials, a vast crowd gathered on the sight of the battlefield.

People of all nations gathered together to celebrate the men and women who gave their lives so they might live free. With all of the leaders of Abberthorn present, Aramore along with all of the kings and queens stepped up onto a large podium that had been erected, behind which was a large statue beneath a tarp. 'People of Abberthorn' started King Echleeduice, his voice being amplified by a spell cast by Aramore.

'Today marks the beginning of a new age for Abberthorn, an age of peace and acceptance. Though we have had our differences in the past, today we stand united to celebrate the lives of all those brave soldiers who selflessly gave their lives in defence of their homes. Today we place their bodies in this hallowed ground so that they might make their way to the Gods, where they can continue to watch over us for the rest of our days. And though they are no longer with us, we shall never forget the sacrifice that they made for us just a few short days ago. Today we unveil this statue to honour those brave souls and forever immortalise the end of the dark days that almost brought an end to Abberthorn!' King Echleeduice turned and raised his left hand as the tarp was removed to reveal a statue depicting a warrior from each of the nation's baring arms against Setherin.

As the people all applauded and cheered the shrouded bodies of their heroes were lowered into the ground and covered with dirt. The families of the fallen mourned their losses with the comfort of knowing that they gave their lives to ensure that their loved ones could live free. Over the course of the next few months the people of Abberthorn worked together to rebuild their cities and homes. The remains of the Great Wall of the realm of man was torn down, and its stones were used in the rebuilding of the damaged cities.

With the dawn of the new age a new city was constructed on the grounds of the battlefield, a city that was to be the hub of a new trade route between each of the kingdoms. At the centre of this new city was constructed an enormous church where all of the Gods of Abberthorn could be worshiped together. A market district like none ever seen in Abberthorn before was constructed where tradesmen could make and sell their goods to all who wanted to buy. A large farming community was established to help supply all of the kingdoms with the food that they needed. And a grand residential district was constructed where any man could make a home for his family.

Once the new city was beginning to take shape, a grand feast was to be held to honour Aramore and his companions for bringing the kingdoms of Abberthorn together once again. The throne room of the grand new palace, first of the buildings in this new metropolis to be completed, was lavishly decorated for the momentous occasion. Two enormous tables were placed next to each other where the kings and queens of Abberthorn were seated along with their guests. A single large table was placed at the head of the room where King Echleeduice, Aramore, Bellathor, Leakly and Filia were seated looking out at the enormous turn out. Behind the main table hung portraits of Durane, Magnatheena, Zodirah, and Browlynn, in honour of the sacrifice that they made to ensure that the people of Abberthorn would be able to fight to defend themselves.

Sitting at the main table Filia stared at the empty seat to her left when Aramore leaned over and said. 'Where is Daemon, I was really hoping that he would be here today. I knew how much he would have enjoyed seeing this new city coming together so nicely.'

'I don't know Aramore. To be honest I haven't seen him in months. After the memorial ceremony, we went back to Ember Valley, where we started a life together and were very happy. But one day I came to find that Daemon had gone. He left me a note, saying that he needed to find himself. I haven't seen or heard from him since' said Filia, clearly hoping that he might turn up at the opening of the new city.

'That is strange. I can only guess as to what he meant' said Aramore beginning to worry about the boy he had come to care for so deeply.

'I am really worried about him Aramore. What if something's happened to him?' asked Filia with a tear in her eye.

'I am sure he is fine Filia. He probably just wanted to go and pay his respects to his family. They were one of the first casualties of this war you know' said Aramore hoping that he was right.

'I know it's just not like him to disappear for so long and not say anything to anyone' said Filia.

'He will be back before you know it Filia. Daemon is one of the most amazing fighters I have seen in all my days, and besides, he has the Demon-Blade with him. There isn't a soul in Abberthorn that could stand against him with that weapon... we will have to talk about this later Filia, King Echleeduice is about to make his speech' said Aramore with a reassuring smile.

'Ladies and gentlemen, today we have gathered to celebrate the completion of this amazing palace, and the commemoration of this new city. A city that will forever stand as a symbol of the unity of the people of Abberthorn, as well as the city, we are here to celebrate the very people who made this all possible. These fine people that you see up here with me tonight are the brave souls who travelled all of Abberthorn and convinced each of the kings and queens of each kingdom to stand together against Setherin. If it were not for these brave souls, we would not be here tonight. So please join me in thanking each of these people for all that they have done for each of us!' As King Echleeduice started to clap the people in the hall got to their feet and began to applaud and cheer in thanks to Aramore and the others.

'A long with each of the people you see beside me were four other brave heroes who gave their lives so that their mission could be a success. We also give thanks to Durane of Riverside, Magnatheena of The Hollow City, and Zodirah and Browlynn of The Red Islands. We thank each of you for the sacrifice that you made to ensure that our people could be united once more!' The hall went silent as all present lowered their heads in respect for the departed.

'And as my final words tonight, the kings and queens of Abberthorn, and I have been debating who might oversee the completion, and lead this new kingdom going forward. And after many months of discussion, have decided that the best person for the job should be King Grindaffrin, King of the giants. King Grindaffrin we would be honoured if you and your people would leave the Forbidden Lands and make a new home for yourselves here in Juranium!'

'We would be honoured' said Grindaffrin. The feastbegan with Filia still unable to look away from the empty seat beside her.While the others feasted Daemon stood in the untouched ruins of his hometown,resting his hands on the Demon-Blade with its tip in the sand.

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