An Ancient Foe

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As the night drew to a close, and the morning sun began to rise. The town of Legan quietly prepared for another day, while Aramore, Daemon, and Durane packed the supplies that Arthur had organised for them and left in the lobby of the inn. Stores began to open, and the streets filled with people, a few clearly in a rough state from the night before. The streets were being cleaned when Aramore, Durane, and Daemon said their farewells, before heading out of the town. With the town behind them, they started making their way toward the kingdom of The Hollow City, once again. As they crested the second hill away from the village, they could hear someone in the distance behind them calling after them. Turning to look back, they could see a short thin figure running after them. The figure was waving its hands and yelling out to get their attention. As the figure drew nearer, Daemon recognised it as a smile took hold of his face. "It's Leakly" he said. Then becoming somewhat confused, he asked, "Why is Leakly running after us?" Aramore replied. "He will be here in a moment; I am sure he will tell us himself"

When Leakly finally caught up, out of breath and sweating he said. 'I am so glad I was able to catch up to you. After you left, I found myself thinking about everything you had told us. I thought about the Thousand Year war, about Setherin and all of his evil deeds. I think that your quest to put an end to his evil doing is one that I would like to be a part of.'

'Our quest for now is far less glamorous that you might think. As it is, we are only travelling to each of the kingdoms of this land in an effort to persuade their leaders to re-join the grand council of old. If we are successful, then united they will be better able to make the necessary decisions about how best to defend their homes' said Aramore.

'A noble cause if ever there was one. I would like to join you on your journey, and help you with this quest, if I may?'

'Of course, you may Leakly. But who will take care of your responsibilities in the town while you're away?' asked Aramore.

'Oh, the others are more than capable Aramore. Besides I was never really all that useful around the town. Not much use for a necromancer there I'm afraid' said Leakly.

'Well we will be more than happy to have you along Leakly. I'm sure your talents will come in handy' said Durane.

'I sincerely hope so Durane' said Leakly pleased to not be turned away.

'Mr Leakly you don't seem to have brought any supplies?' said Daemon, as he searched Leakly for a bag.

'Ah my boy, a necromancer does not need to carry his supplies. For you see I have this!' Leakly said holding up a small pouch that he pulled from his coat. Perplexed by what they were looking at Daemon and Durane looked over at Aramore. By now Aramore had a faint grin beginning to emerge, as he saw the absolute state of bewilderment on the faces of his friends, as they looked at this small wrinkled brown sack, which Leakly held in his hand. The two pondered for a while, not asking for a clue or hinting at an idea before Daemon finally said. 'Ok I give up. What is it?' The smile on Leakly's face broadened as he began to explain. 'It's actually quite simple Daemon. This tired looking old sack has been enchanted, so that it is linked to a cupboard back at my home. Whatever I need can be retrieved from that cupboard, through this sack!'

'So, then what happens when the cupboard runs empty?' asked Daemon, spotting the flaw in Leakly's plan.

'Well then I would run out of supplies. However, every few days one of my friends back home will check on the supplies and restock it whenever it is needed.'

'Wow now that is cool. Aramore why didn't you do that?' asked Daemon.

'Simple Daemon, it is because I have no home. I am a wondering wizard. I am always on the move, and never stay in one place for too long. So, I have never made a home anywhere' answered Aramore.

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