Journey of Redemption

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Aramore stood atop a rocky cliff and looked down at the land as it stretched out before him. 'Do you see those mountains way off in the distance to the west Leakly?'

Leakly looked out across the land, seeing open terrain that led to a large forest beyond which stood seven mountains clustered around one another. The tallest of which stood right in the centre and was the only one which peak was in the clouds. 'I do?' he answered.

'That is where we are headed.'

'Which mountain are we going too?' asked Leakly eyeing the range.

'That is one mountain Leakly. It's called Seven Peak Mountain. The Forbidden Lands lie just beyond that mountain' said Aramore surveying the land that lay between them and their destination.

'I still can't believe we are willingly going to try and reason with giants' said Leakly scarcely believing the words that left his own mouth.

'They are really quite pleasant people you know' said Aramore.

'People? You speak of them as though they are civilized.'

'Oh, but they are... more civil than man. People see their size and fear them. They make up stories to make other people fear them too. But in reality, they are a calm people, who just want to be left alone.'

'All the more reason to grant them their wish' said Leakly.

'Sadly, we are going to need their help if we are going to win this war. So, we don't really have too much choice in the matter' said Aramore.

'I suppose your right.'

'We're going to need to pass through the Ashwood forest in order to get there faster' said Aramore still studying the landscape.

'I understand that we need to see the giants, but should we really be tempting fate by passing through there?' asked Leakly.

'Tempting fate? Whatever do you mean Leakly?' asked Aramore looking at Leakly with a raised brow.

'I mean Ashwood forest Aramore. Humans may not live for as long as dwarfs, elves, and wizards. But we do pass on the stories of places like that as a warning to future generations. Look around Aramore, do you see even a single settlement of any kind' asked Leakly as he stepped to the cliff's edge and looked at the open wilderness that stood around the forest. The forest stretched so far over the horizon that he could not see where it ended, and the mountain began. In the midst of the forest stood two gigantic, dilapidated old towers that sored high above the ancient tree line. Each tower stood to one side of the forest, miles apart. Having long since passed from living memory the two towers appeared to be standing sentry for an event that would never come to pass.

'You put too much stock into those old tales Leakly' said Aramore.

'I'm not the only one Aramore. Humans have feared these lands for centuries and it's not because of the giants. Something evil lives within those trees, something that does not take kindly to trespassers' warned Leakly.

'Wood elves Leakly, that is what lives in those trees. Now granted they are not the friendliest of people, but I am known to them, so we shouldn't have any trouble.'

'If you are known to them, then why are we not asking them for help as well?'

'Because wood elves are not like the high elves of Riverside, they think only of themselves and care very little for the well-being of their kin. If we keep a low profile, we should make it through undetected and unharmed.'

'Hang on, why do we need to go undetected? I thought you were "known" to the wood elves?' asked Leakly liking the idea less by the second.

'I am known, but like I said, wood elves are not like their counterparts the high elves. Wood elves will not give you the chance to explain yourself first. They will kill you first and then ask you questions.'

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