Let The Battle Begin!

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An uneasy silence consumed the Gateway city as the troops awaited any signs of the invading force. The men stood fast on the high walls, drinking hot steaming drinks, while patting and rubbing themselves in an attempt to keep their body heat in, as the cold of the highlands crept up on them. Day fast turned to night, torches and lamps were lit, and the men still stood watch, vigilantly checking the horizon for any movement. The woodland creatures stirred in the night, scrambling this way and that, as a single crescent moon hung high in the night sky. A deathly silence crept into the land, the animals had grown quiet, and all that could be heard was the crackling of the fires. Two guards stood watch high on the wall, discussing the foolishness of their unnecessary war preparation, all at the word of some wondering wizard. As one began to speak, he was quickly hushed by the other, who turned to the outlands listening intently. 'What is it? What do you hear?'

'Quiet I'm not sure, but there's something on the wind' the slow breeze blew in off the outlands, carrying with it the faint sound of far off beating drums. 'Quickly wake the Jarl, the enemy will be upon us soon!' Yelling down from the walls they alerted the other soldiers, who in turn spread the word. Word reached the Jarl within minutes, rocking him from his sleep. Rushing from his mansion the Jarl ordered his men to ready themselves as the sound of the drums grew louder and louder. Adrenaline began to pump with the sudden realisation that the wondering wizard had been right, an invasion was imminent, and they had prepared as well as they could.

Aramore sat in his chair high in the guard tower to the right of the gatehouse, smoking his pipe as his thoughts turned to Daemon. Standing up quickly he searched the horizon, squinting as he looked for any signs of life. 'Open the gates' he yelled down to the gatehouse. 'What do you mean open the gates?' The Jarl found himself shouting over the sound of the drums which by now could not have been more than a kilometre away. 'We cannot open the gates now, not while the enemy is so near!'

'Well you had better make a plan. My men are beyond the wall in the path of the enemy' said Aramore urgently.

'The gates have been sealed. It will take far too long for us to unseal them and then seal them back up!' said the Jarl.

'Well then bring me a rope ladder or something. I cannot let them stay out there by themselves' yelled Aramore.

'We have nothing long enough to reach the bottom of that wall' answered the Jarl.

Frustrated Aramore pulled his staff from his cape, tapping it on the wall it began to emit a bright white light, to serve as a beacon for Durane and the others. As Aramore's companions drew near the Jarl emerged from the tower stairs. 'By the heavens what do you think you're doing Aramore? You're going to let the enemy know that we are aware of their approach' reprimanded the Jarl.

'The enemy is counting on the fact that we know they are coming, and they don't much care either' said Aramore watching his friends approach. Seeing the others at the base of the wall Aramore leapt from the tower, to the shock and horror of the Jarl and his men. Plummeting toward the ground he pointed his golden staff downward letting out a whirlwind of air, which slowed his decent. Landing on the ground effortlessly before the others Aramore said. 'I trust your mission was a success?'

'An unqualified success Aramore, the Chief of the Red Islands will be happy to appear at the meeting of the Grand Council' answered Durane.

'So, you are the great wizard Aramore who I have heard so much about. My name is Zodirah, General of the Red Island army. And this is my nephew Browlynn, the finest blacksmith this company could ever ask for' said Zodirah proudly.

'Glad to have you with us, unfortunately we haven't time to get acquainted. Setherin has sent a large force to bring down this wall. We have until daybreak to ready ourselves' replied Aramore.

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