The Demon-Blade

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'Are you sure we are in the right place Daemon?' asked Filia looking into the dark mouth of the cave they were standing in front of.

'Well that is what Caneigre said. He gave Klemoria the destination and she flew us here. If we have the wrong place, then it is her fault' laughed Daemon as he looked back at the gargoyle that had brought them to this cave.

'Don't you dare put this on my head? I followed Caneigre's instructions to the letter, if this is the wrong place then it is his fault and not mine!' Klemoria's voice was deep and yet feminine at the same time as she defended her honour.

'Well where are we exactly?' asked Filia looking around for landmarks that might help to reveal clues as to their location.

'This is Seven Peak Mountain, if you were to access the tunnels that are hidden beneath it, they would bring you to the Forbidden Lands. And the forest behind us is the Ashwood Forest, home to the Wood Elves' said Klemoria telling them all she knew about their location.

'And what exactly makes Caneigre think that this is going to be the place where we will find the Demon-Blade?' asked Daemon as he blocked the sun with his hand attempting to look up into Klemoria's eyes.

'Yeah Klemoria he has sent us to nearly twenty different places already and all of those were a bust. All we have found so far was abandoned caves and derelict castles' said Filia siding with Daemon.

'I thought that you guys would be happy, seeing as you have received training from the best warriors of all time, and you are getting to spend so much time together' said Klemoria.

'Don't get us wrong Klemoria we have learnt a lot from Caneigre, and we are grateful to get to spend more time together. But at what point do we tell Caneigre that this is starting to look like a wild goose chase?' asked Filia.

'That will not be a good idea. Caneigre will never stop looking for the weapon... You both know the story of the first battle for Abberthorn correct?' both Filia and Daemon answered "yes" simultaneously, bringing a smile to both of their faces.

'Okay great who told you the story?' asked the gargoyle.

'Well Aramore told me the story and I told it to Filia' answered Daemon.

'Excellent Aramore was shown the battle when he picked up the weapon of the archangels correct?' asked Klemoria.

'Yes' answered Daemon.

'Then he knows what truly happened. So now do you remember in the story that as the angels and demons were fighting, their powerful blows sculpted the landscape of Abberthorn into what it is today, by sending one another crashing into the ground?' asked the gargoyle.

'Yes, no matter what they did they were unable to do any damage to each other' answered Daemon.

'Correct Daemon, until the archangels emerged with their immensely powerful weapons, at which point the battle turned in their favour' said Klemoria.

'And the demons brought their own weapons to match that of the archangels, but they came too late. By the time they were able to do any real damage the battle was already over' finished Filia.

'Exactly Filia those weapons that the demons brought out are the only things in all of Abberthorn that can truly do any real lasting damage to an archangel' said Klemoria.

'So that is how Caneigre intends to finish Setherin off once and for all' asked Daemon.

'In a way Daemon' answered Klemoria.

'What do you mean, in a way?' asked Filia eyeing the gargoyle.

'I mean that being an archangel, Caneigre is physically unable to wield the weapon. He is going to have to have someone else deliver the final blow' answered Klemoria.

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