An Unlikely Kinship

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Standing on the threshold of the great gates that guarded the Kings palace, Daemon found himself dumbfounded as to how alike the palace was to that of the one in The Hollow City. There were many differences, but he was able to see many similarities as well. It was almost as though he found himself looking at a shadow cast by the other castle. Before Daemon had too much time to contemplate the wonders of the two palaces, his deep thoughts were interrupted by the distant doors of the fortress creaking open shedding light down on the darkened courtyard. Then from behind the momentarily blinding light came Durane and Magnatheena from their meeting with the King.

'By the Gods, how did you manage to get here so quickly? Gretta told us that it would be weeks before you would be ready to travel' said Magnatheena astonished that Daemon was on his feet so soon.

'I'm glad to see you too Maggie' greeted Daemon.

'It's really good to see you on your feet again, sorry Daemon. It's just that we thought that we were going to have to wait here for some time before you would catch up with us. We most certainly did not expect you to be here today.'

'Well I'm tougher than I look. I suppose that you are leaving the castle, having spoken to the King already? And from the confused looks on your faces I assume that he did not go for it?' asked Daemon slightly demoralised.

'No quite the contrary Daemon. The King was already aware of why we were here and was only too eager to help us. That was the part that we found so confusing' answered Durane.

'Wait, he already knew? Are you sure Durane? I mean no offence to you Maggie but when we came before your father, he had no idea of what was happening. So how is it that your uncle already knew?' asked Daemon.

'I actually have a theory on that!' said Durane.

'You do? Please do share' said Magnatheena.

'I am not trying to be rude Maggie, but I think that the reason your father was unaware of what was happening, was because of Wolfrick!'

'What do you mean, it was because of Wolfrick? Wolfrick is my father's most trusted adviser. He would never know about something like this and keep it from my father!'

'That's the thing Maggie. When we met Wolfrick we got the distinct impression that he ran the city. He knew far too much of the goings on of the city for a simple adviser. I feel that he has been keeping your father in the dark about many things going on around his kingdom. I believe that your presence in the room was the only thing that forced him to take us before your father' said Durane.

'Why would I have been the factor that forced him to take you before my father?' asked Magnatheena.

'Simple. When he arrived and saw you with me, he had no way of knowing how much of this you had already known about. And after we had explained ourselves, he could be sure you knew all about it because you were there to hear every word. So, if he did not bring us before your father, and you then told your father of what you knew, then he would lose his standing in the city, and the trust of your father. Furthermore, you're leaving the city to help us meant that you would not be wondering around the city where you might come across his dealings' said Durane.

'Which is why, he didn't put up any fight when I said that I wanted to leave to help you!'

'Exactly' said Durane.

'And exactly how long have you had this suspicion?' asked Magnatheena.

'From the moment that your father was more shocked to learn of what was going on in the world outside than Wolfrick was' answered Durane.

'Something has to be done!'

'For now, we should leave things as they are. We do not have the time to make the trip back to The Hollow City. There are far too many things left for us still to do. Like for one, we need to find a way over to the Red Islands, and we are going to need a guide to help us find our way around there as well' said Durane.

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