Devastation and A Plea for Revenge

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Dread filled Aramore's heart as they approached The City of Riverside. The vast majority of the ancient forest that once stood before the city had been burned to a cinder, leaving nothing but blackened ground and ash in its wake. As the city came into view Aramore was devastated to see that most of the city stood in ruins. The outer wall had been breached and although there was no sign of conflict, it was clear that the city was dealt a major blow. Elaquor landed in the outskirts of the city and as Aramore and Leakly dismounted, Aramore instructed her to leave and seek refuge in the distant mountains.

The outskirts of the city once home to the army was completely demolished aside from a few tents that had been set up to house what remained of her forces. Giants and elves alike patrolled the cities perimeter ensuring that such an event would not happen again. Walking through the once magnificent streets of Riverside Leakly found himself depressed to have not been able to see the city before such destruction ruined its peaceful visage. The once white walls of the buildings were blackened by smoke and dried blood, as people did their best to salvage what they could and clean where they could.

The only area of the city to go undamaged was the Kings' palace, which had now been opened to house all those who lost their homes during the invasion. Walking through the palace it was clear that the only part left untainted by the invasion was its exterior. The interior of the castle was overrun with dirty footprints and makeshift beds placed wherever space could be found. The once elegant palace now played home to hundreds of people who lost homes and loved ones. Entering the throne room Leakly was surprised to see that the king had even opened this, one of his most important rooms to the people that needed his help.

'Aramore you have returned, and with only one companion. I received word that you were travelling with nine people at one point. Is this all that has managed to survive?' Looking around the room King Echleeduice realised that he had spoken without thinking. Looking around the throne room, the king saw that his words caused his people to quickly lose hope. They thought that if even the mighty Aramore was unable to protect the people that he cared about, then what hope was there for anyone else.

'Ah please join me in my private courtyard where we might continue our conversation' said King Echleeduice.

'Gladly Your Grace' replied Aramore, tilting his head slightly for Leakly to follow. Walking through the palace Aramore could not help himself after seeing all of the refugees in the castle. 'My Liege what has happened here?'

'Setherin's men attacked. Had it not been for the arrival of your brother Grindaffrin, I fear that my kingdom would have been lost' answered the King.

'Where is Grindaffrin anyway, I was half expecting to see him sitting on the throne when I walked in?' asked Aramore still unable to trust his brother.

'He spends his days down in the military camps, trying to make sure that our borders are secure. He fears that it will not be long before Setherin attacks again. Your brother is a great leader Aramore, if it weren't for his assistance, I don't know how I would have coped.' Exiting into the courtyard Leakly was astounded to see an oasis of peace and beauty after all of the destruction he had seen this far. In the centre of the courtyard was a large open gazebo suspended over a narrow brook, flowing from a waterfall that came down the hill at the palaces centre, which it was built around. The round gazebo was surrounded by plush shrubbery and small ancient trees that allowed just enough light into the inner garden for the plants to thrive.

The gazebo was surrounded on three sides by the palace, opening up to a view of the city and the grass lands that stretched out before them. Standing there looking out into the clear open land, the world seemed at peace to Leakly. He looked at the vines that grew up the pillars of the gazebo, with their blooming flowers hanging down from the roof above and felt more at ease. At the centre of the Gazebo was a small opening in the tiled floor where they were able to watch the water pool into a small fish filled pond beneath their feet, before it flowed over the edge of the landing and down into a series of water falls that led down to the river that flowed alongside the city. The hole was no more than a meter in diameter, surrounded by a small border of lifted tiles no more than four or five inches high. Around the outer edge of the gazebo was a row of stone chairs that formed a circle looking in at each other.

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