The Great City of The Wall

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The trip back through the Ashwood forest was peaceful with Aramore and his companions making one last stop in the Orc encampment. While Bellathor spoke with his son one last time, Aramore and Leakly gathered supplies for the journey that lay ahead. 'We are going to be travelling north now, to the Gateway city. The territories of man are cold, it would be best if you carry the appropriate clothing' said Aramore in a fatherly tone.

'I will place a note in my bag and have one of the others place some clothing in it for me' answered Leakly glad to have his enchanted bag.

'I am glad to see that they still keep your pack replenished. I must admit that when you first told us of the cupboard back at your house, I found it hard to believe that the others would keep checking in on it. And yet it has been nearly one and a half years and still they ensure that your supplies do not run low' said Aramore.

'They have been fantastic. I have been leaving notes for them on a regular basis, keeping them informed of our progress. They themselves have been preparing for battle and attempting to rally others to join our cause. They spread word with every traveller that passes through Legan' said Leakly.

'I am glad to hear it.'

'Aramore, you said that you would tell us what was said between you and the mysterious person in the Forbidden Lands?' asked Leakly, sure that he had given it enough time.

'I did, didn't I? Well as soon as we are underway again, I will tell you and Bellathor all about it' answered Aramore.

Headed for the Gateway city the group went north after leaving the forest, the mid-day sun shone down on them as they walked across the open grass lands. As they made their way Aramore informed Bellathor and Leakly of the conversation that he had had with Caneigre. He told them of the importance of Daemon and how he was the descendant of an archangel. As the others asked their questions Aramore did his best to answer with what information he had. All that he could be sure of was that for some reason Daemon would play an important role in their hopeful defeat of Setherin.

Continuing on their way they soon grew silent as they pondered what might make Daemon such an integral part of their mission, and how they would be able to make full use of his abilities. The savannah that stretched out before them was littered with the remnants of long forgotten settlements. The scattered ruins dotted the landscape, like the ghosts of a forgotten time in Abberthorn. Each of the small settlements took a similar yet different architectural design. Buildings and roads all stood in varying states of disrepair. Aramore, Leakly, and Bellathor kept to the passage in the hills, allowing them a view of the landscape from above, and permitting them to remain concealed.

With the path reaching toward the horizon before them, the sound of drums began to permeate the valley below. Curious as to what the source of the strange drumming might be, Aramore quickened his pace. Reaching the top of the next hill, Aramore was alarmed to see a large army numbering more than ten thousand strong, including Ogres, mountain trolls, and grendles. The fearsome force was headed to the Gateway city, prepared for conquest. 'We need to get to the Gateway city before that army does. With an army of that size, the wall does not stand a chance' Aramore said as he turned to the others.

'This does not seem right Aramore. Those creatures are not the type to commit to organised warfare like this. They have trebuchets, catapults, and even ballistas. That is siege warfare. How are they pulling this off?' asked Bellathor studying the army below.

'Have you somehow managed to forget who it is that we are really fighting against Bellathor?' asked Aramore.

'Um I'm ashamed to admit that for a moment there I did. I was looking at those beasts down there, which for the longest time we have always considered to be no more than simple mindless animals. To see them so well organised is highly unexpected' answered Bellathor.

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