A Dash of Moonolianite

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Midday was approaching and as the sun drew to its highest point, the city of Nahagili was buzzing with rumours that the outsiders had wounded a banshee. The people flocked to the market square, where a respected elder was said to be speaking. As word spread throughout the city, all work had stopped, and the people began to gather in anticipation of the wisdom that they were sure to receive.

Zodirah had gathered Durane, Daemon, Magnatheena, and Filia on a nearby roof top, where they were surrounded by city guards. Down below the city stood divided into its various factions. The merchants and traders stood closest to the makeshift stage which had been erected, off to their right stood the tradesmen, the blacksmith, masons, and craftsmen. To the left of the merchants stood the seafaring men and women of the town, the fishermen, sailors, and deckhands. To the rear gathered the women, children, and peasants. Each gossiped amongst themselves, guessing at what was to be said. Some praised the news of the wounded banshee, while others feared it.

As time passed the whispers shared within groups grew into a roar of anger as the divided factions began to argue over what would come next. Suddenly an odd hush overtook the crowd. It started at the front first, and travelled to the back like a wave, as the elder suddenly appeared and began to make his way to the stage. The old man wore a brightly coloured burnoose, much like that worn by all of the people in the desert city. He had light brown eyes and a slender build but did not walk much like an elderly person. Instead he appeared, apart from the black and grey shaded hair and beard, to be a man in his prime. When he got to the middle of the stage, he began to address the people.

'My friends, I am sure that by now you have all heard of the arrival of the outsiders to our peaceful city. Outsiders brought here by General Zodirah himself. These outsiders have only been here three days, and already they have upset the balance of our humble home. They have ventured beyond the city limits and entered the Necropolis, where one of their own was attacked by a banshee, in broad daylight. But they did not take this as a warning to leave that evil place alone. No, they ventured out into the darkness again last night, where two of their people wounded one of the banshees. I tell you, no good can come of this. The banshees will be angered by this, and they will seek revenge against these outsiders. They will come to our city seeking the outsiders, and they will kill anyone they come across in order to get their revenge. These outsiders have placed us all in grave danger. They must be punished. I say they must be taken back to the Necropolis and sealed inside the city so that the banshees may have their revenge. And maybe this will appease them enough that they may leave our city in peace!' A roar of agreement rose from the crowd, calling for the punishment of the outsiders.

The roar of the people grew so loud that it was no longer possible to make out what was being said, there were so many people yelling so many different things that it simply sounded like noise. As the crowd grew more restless, the number of guards on the roof top began to grow. Within minutes the guards had begun to surround the mob, in an attempt to bring order to the masses. But all their presence had accomplished was to insight a riot. Fights started to break out in the crowd between the people who agreed that the outsiders should be punished, and those who thought they should be praised. Before the riot was able to get out of hand, a voice came from the stage.

'ENOUGH!!!' with one stern word, the unrest in the city was brought to a swift end as people looked to the stage and dropped to their knees. 'What is going on here? Is this how you repay the people who have put their lives on the line to help better your kind? These outsiders have no obligation to help us, and yet I needed only ask them once... ONCE, and they were willing to do what no man in this city was prepared to. They ventured into the Necropolis only upon my asking. They risked their lives to find a means to defeat the banshees that have plagued us for so long. They are attempting to do what none of you were willing to do for your own people. I am your Chief. I asked them to go into that place, and if anyone has a problem with that, then they will be sealed within the Necropolis until the banshees punish them. Is that understood! From this moment on, if the outsiders ask anyone for help, in anyway, I expect that they will get it. Now go back to work all of you!' And with that the chief left the stage and walked back to his palace, accompanied by his royal guard. Zodirah turned to Daemon and said. 'Well I don't think we will have any further problems'

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