The Eve of Battle

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As the yellow dawn rose and songbirds began to sing, the sound of men preparing for battle could be heard throughout the valley. Weapons were being sharpened, armour was being fastened, and the men chatted among themselves. On the hilltop above the battlefield the kings and queens were themselves preparing to fight. Aramore was perched on a rock near their tents, meditating in an attempt to gather his thoughts.

'Are we sure that the men are ready for this? Most of them have never seen some of the creatures they are going to be fighting against today, let alone gone to war against them' said Jeraxin coming up behind Aramore, his polished armour shining in the morning sun.

'We don't have much of a choice now King Jeraxin, Setherin is here now. If we do not stand and fight, then we will all surely die' answered Aramore.

'There is something that I have been meaning to ask you Aramore... I know what your note said, but please tell me, how did my daughter die?' pleaded the King.

'She died with honour fighting beside the man she loved. I have not seen a woman who could fight like her since...'

'Since her mother? She really did have her mother in her. I am glad to know that she found love in the end. I only wish that she had had the chance to experience it properly before dying' said the King.

'But she did King Jeraxin. She found a love that she was willing to die for, how many people can honestly say that?'

'You are right as usual Aramore, and there is no better death for a dwarf than one on a battlefield. I best finish getting ready. Thank you for that by the way Aramore.'

'I only told you the truth Your Grace.'

'And that is all a father could ever ask for.' King Jeraxin walked away proud to know that his daughter left this world in a manner befitting a dwarf. As the other kings and queens began to emerge from their tents a scout came running up the hill side yelling. 'They're here, the enemy is upon us!' The horns of battle were sounded as the men quickly got into formation ready to face Setherin's army once and for all. The kings and queens each mounted their horses and rode out to the head of the militia, looking out over the sea of men that had gather to fight at their sides.

With a front line of Orcs followed by the mercenaries and the Nords, being backed up by the elves with their bows drawn, and an army of giants spread between them. The soldiers stood with pride ready to win or die. 'Men and women of Abberthorn, today we face perhaps the greatest evil to ever threaten our land. Ride out with your kings and your queens as today we will either win this battle or die trying. For Abberthorn!' yelled Aramore, with his voice magically amplified so that all the warriors present could hear him. He and the other leaders began to ride out to meet Setherin's army. With a roar of cheering the army marched behind banging their weapons against their shields ready to face whatever came their way.

War drums began to sound, keeping in rhythm with the steps of the army, when suddenly rising over the hill Setherin's army came into view. The drumming fell silent for a short while as the men looked on in awe at the terrifying militia of ferocious creatures that stood before them. Looking around a single Nordic drummer realised that the men were beginning to show fear. Seeing this, the drummer raised his sticks and began to beat down harder than he had ever done before. He was quickly followed after by two then three other drummers until the sound of their drums was so loud that the men could no longer hear their metallic footsteps. As the beat of the drums raised their adrenaline the warriors from the Red Islands began to cheer causing the others to follow suit.

When the army came to a halt the cheering and drumming slowly died down until the valley was silent, all that could be heard was the chirping of songbirds off in the distance. The two armies faced each other for what seemed like an eternity before Setherin, standing in front of his men gave the order to attack. This order was quickly matched by the leaders of Abberthorn as the all-out war began.

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