The Nordic World

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Hobbling into Herlingguar, the defeated warriors were quickly tended to by their loved ones, whose cries of shock and horror alerted the rest of the town to the arrival of their crushed defenders. Making his way straight for the Stjorna's keep, Jarl Arvid was accompanied by Aramore and Zodirah. The castle looked nothing like the Nordic city which surrounded it, standing on a rocky island on a lake in the centre of his province. It was a sight to behold, a mastery of form and design it looked like a small city on the lake, with many smaller structures adjoined to the towers and spires of the main keep. The castle was a self-sustaining environment which enabled the Stjorna to have all of his amenities and never have to leave the sanctity of his own island.

Crossing the guarded bridge Aramore, Zodirah and Jarl Arvid passed through the main gates where they saw servants hurrying this way and that, attending to their duties. The stables were filled with six of the purist white horses any of them had ever seen. The horses somehow appeared even whiter than the very snow that covered the ground. To their left was the kitchen where all of the food for the island was constantly being prepared. Alongside the kitchen was the church with stain glass windows depicting the Gods that they recognised. On their right just passed the stables was a collection of smaller buildings nestled closely together, with narrow walkways between them was the servants' living quarters, seeming like a small isolated village within a city.

The two large wooden doors that opened into the castles courtyard bore the engraved image of a soldier in a full metal suit of armour. The effigy was divided in two as the doors opened. The doors parted ways to reveal an enormous garden at the forefront of the castle. The garden was the only greenery that the travellers had seen in many days. There were several sprouts and shrubs gracing the garden with a variety of different colours. All of this beauty surrounded a single large elder tree with the light of the sun shining its life-giving rays through the gaps in its leaves. A single path led from the main door, dividing in two around the elder tree and re-joining on its far side to make its way up to the stairs that granted access to the castle.

Once inside the castle the frost of the outside world was fought off by two large fire pits on either side of a lengthy dining table, which stretched out across the room. The dining table seated one hundred men, fifty on either side, pointing toward the elegant throne at the head of the room. There were twenty-five soldiers seated at the table eating, yet still on guard. Making their way across the room, the pair followed Jarl Arvid as he approached the empty throne intending to request a meeting with the Stjorna. As they reached the first of the five steps that gave way to the throne, a scrawny weed of a man emerged from behind it.

He was a tall figure with long greasy blond hair. His bright green eyes shone out from above his short-trimmed beard, which consumed the majority of his face. He wore a long brown fur coat that was tied up around his waist, revealing only the dark faded green of the shirt that he wore beneath. He stood tall and proud as his hide boots pattered on the stone when he stepped down two steps. His voice rang out loud and true across the hall as he spoke. 'Jarl Arvid what is it that you want here? You should be in the Gateway City, the city that you were charged with managing and defending. And yet here you are in Herlingguar, having sent your people ahead of you by several days. What business has made you abandon your post and darken the Stjorna's doorway?'

'That is business that I will discuss with the Stjorna, thank you Brynjar' said the Jarl commandingly.

'You pretend to be so important that you stroll in here and tell the Stjorna that you will speak with him?' said the man louder still.

'I didn't tell the Stjorna that I will speak with him. I told you that the business I have, I will only discuss with the Stjorna. And if you stand in my way for another minute, I will strike you down where you stand. Now away with you and inform the Stjorna that I am here to speak with him urgently!' said Jarl Arvid.

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