CHAPTER 61 - Pull to Reality

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I run along the corridors of the ship, tears blurring my vision as I jog past groups of people staring at me as I pass.  A million thoughts cloud over my mind dangerously, like a storm brewing slowly but surely. He can't be fighting it. The serum's the only thing keeping him sane at this point, keeping him alive...

I race towards the entrance of the ship, scanning the faces of those I pass, until I see Vince, blinking away the remainder of my tears. 

"Vince!" I gasp, stopping before I reach him. In his blue eyes I recognise concern and worry as he sees my face, and then my upper arm, blood still dripping down my skin. 

"What's up, what's wrong? What happened to your arm?" 

"Vince, look... I know, I know you don't want to get blood from Thomas while he's unconscious, and... and I agree, and it's killing me to ask you this, but please reconsider," I beg. His eyes fall, slight annoyance crossing his face. "Newt, he... well, the serum, it's..."

Vince looks me in the eye again, a stern expression evident in his face, yet a hint of sympathy in his eyes. "I'm not gonna do that under any circumstance. I'm not WICKED; I'm not gonna hurt any children, anyone, while they can't agree with it."

I close my eyes, holding back my frustration. "I know that Vince, I do, but it's just a bit of blood! And we could save Newt's life if we just– "

"That's exactly the reasoning that WICKED use, (y/n)!" he argues, raising his voice slightly. "You may not remember WICKED's history, but I sure do, and I'm not gonna take Thomas' blood without his consent. Ever. Because that would just be everything that Mary and I fought against for years. And I'd never go against Mary in her life, or her death."

I bite my nails, going silent. Vince places a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry, kid. But I'm not gonna budge. Now, go get your arm looked at, please. We're almost packed, the ship's gonna leave soon so maybe get your friends ready. And please, don't ask me to do this ever again. I know; it's Newt. But I just can't."


Gally wraps one final layer of bandaging around my arm as I stare to the corner of the room, in a sort of trance, my eyes glossing over with a lack of focus as my mind wanders.

"How does that feel?"

I snap back to reality. Looking to my arm, I tentatively touch the bandage, offering a slight smile. "Thanks, Gally, it feels good."

"You should try not to put as much strain on it," he says, packing away his medically supplies back into his first aid kit. "I know it wasn't your fault, what happened earlier, but just try to be careful. It's a deep wound. May take a while to heal, regardless of the physical trauma it's gone through since you were initially injured."

"I'll be more careful," I assure him. I sigh deeply, closing my eyes. "If only Thomas could wake up."

Gally goes quiet, unable to find the words to reassure me. Minho bursts through the door. 

"C'mon guys, everyone's going out front to watch the ship leave harbour. There's a bit of the ship where we can go outside."

We all exit the room, following Minho to make our way through the long, winding corridors towards the bow of the ship. We head out of a large steel door, meeting an open decking, with railing along the sides of the ship, rows of teenagers lining up along the rails to watch. A low hum of chatter is heard from all over, everyone waiting agitatedly and excitedly for the ship to leave. We head towards our little group, waiting by some railing at the very front of the ship. 

"You okay?" Brenda asks worriedly as we approach the group. I nod, though don't make any effort to speak about it. I know that if I try I'll just break down completely. Brenda knows; she links her arm with mine as we turn to look out towards the vast ocean. I fiddle with Newt's faded bandanna, still tied tightly around my wrist. 

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