CHAPTER 67 - The Note

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That first evening on the island begins to pass with everyone feeling a little exhausted, yet also calmly elated, satisfied and fulfilled. We sit by the fire, munching on our barbecue dinners and chattering away about all of the venturous possibilities we can have in this Safe Haven. The air begins to turn chilly as the moon rises, a cool sea breeze making my hair aired and wispy. Vince begins to pass blankets around, yet despite the slight chill in the air, it isn't too cold for me to take a blanket so I curl up next to Newt, huddled into his side, his hand rubbing my arm to keep me warm as we trade quiet kisses throughout the night. 

Any traces of Newt being a Crank are fully gone; his skin is back to its normal, rosy complexion, eyes a deep chocolatey brown, sandy blond hair fluffy. The only thing abnormal is his chest, which so far I have no yet seen, but I know if he does anything too strenuous he has to clutch it and breathe deeply for support. I smile up to him with love in my eyes, thankful that he's sitting here healthy and happy with everyone else. 

Vince then walks up to the front of the group, smiling at everyone, opening his mouth. People gradually begin to quieten down as Vince rubs his chin, as if thinking, before opening his mouth again. 

"So, here we are. Finally," Vince smiles sadly, while subtle murmurs and sighs can be heard round the large group. "So many people have sacrificed so much to get us here, where we are today; for that, I say thank you. Not just you - your friends, family... so," Vince raises a glass, "here's to the ones who couldn't be here, here's to the friends who were lost." He takes a swig, and so we all drink. "This wonderful place is for everyone here tonight, it's your new home. But this -" Vince gestures to a large, unbreakable rock standing tall and sturdy behind him, looming before the crowd of survivors,"-this is for them. The ones who couldn't be here today. The ones who sacrificed the most. So in your own time, in your own way, come make your peace." Vince places down a large chiselling tool upon a tree stump. I swallow a lump that has risen in my throat, forcing a smile as I gaze at the tall rock. "And welcome to the Safe Haven!"

Cheers erupt. Everyone claps, taking swigs from their drinks and hugging their friends. Newt, Thomas and I stand up to join our friends, all clapping and grinning to each other, basking in the newfound peace and happiness of our new home. I offer Thomas a sympathetic smile. Although he claps with the others, smiling, it is a half-smile, a mask. His eyes reveal someone who is broken, isolated, grieving. And so I take his hand in mine, squeezing it tightly and not letting go, not even until I can feel sweat moistening our grip. I don't care, I'm here with my friend.

People begin to form a queue to carve on the rock. I look around our group. Everyone seems hesitant. 

"So... I suppose, we'll have to pick who goes first," Fry says eventually. 

Gally opens his mouth, then closes it again. I smile to him, and we lock eyes. I nod to him, almost assuring him that he can do it. And so, he opens his mouth once more. "I think... I'd like to go first, if that's okay with everyone."

We all nod, smiling sympathetically. "Of course," I assure him. "Take as long as you need, Gally."

He slowly walks forward to join the queue. 

"Y'know,  I think I just need a little bit of time... I think I'm going to go for a little stroll," Newt says. "Anyone care to join?"

"I think I'm gonna get in the queue..." Brenda murmurs. I go to hug her, squeezing her shoulders and rubbing her back as I do so. She smiles warmly to me before leaving to head towards the rock. Minho and Frypan also join her, leaving Newt, Thomas and I. 

"Shall we?" Newt asks to Thomas and I. We both nod and so we begin to walk along the moonlit beach. We walk in calm silence for a while, until Thomas clears his throat.

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