CHAPTER 10 - Escape

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(Caution - could be triggering - doesn't specifically talk about self-harm but could be connected to it)

"What?" I gasp. I am suddenly thrust against a large wooden pole, pain shooting up my spine. My arms are tied above my head as I widen my eyes towards the small crowd of boys, each one not looking me in the eyes. Then I see Newt. He looks just as horrified as I am.

"Gally, what are you doing?" I choke out. Gally grits his teeth together.

"You really think that I'm gonna let Thomas back into the Maze after what he's done?" Gally retorts. I feel the thin rope burning into my wrists as it is tightened excruciatingly, and I yell out in pain. I see Newt, looking as if he's in agony, watching me struggle. Gally continues, "I mean, for all we know, that night Thomas survived in the Maze he could've been in cohorts with the Creators the whole time! You dumb shanks ever thought about that?!" I begin to protest until Gally turns to me, spear in his hand, his threatening glare burning into my face. "Look at our Glade!" he continues, gesturing around the large opening. "This is the only way. And when the Grievers get what they came for? Everything goes back to the way it rightfully should be!"

"How are you all listening to this?!" I yell, grimacing through the immense pain. I can feel blood oozing down my arm from my wrist, hot and watery. "Why are you all just... just standing there?! He's crazy! If you all stay here, the Grievers will come back!"

"Shut up!" Gally snaps.

"They're gonna come back, and keep coming back, until all that's left is a pile of rotting corpses and burned down buildings where your precious Glade used to be!"

"SHUT UP!" Gally roars, strings of spit flying from his mouth, his face pulsating in anger. He looks towards Thomas. "Tie him up." The two boys look towards each other hesitantly, which causes Gally to glare at them furiously. "Did you hear me? Tie him up!"

The boys tentatively lift Thomas' limp body upwards. Unexpectedly, Thomas swiftly elbows one of the boys in the ribs, grabbing his spear and slamming the butt end of it into the other boy's stomach. Everything after that happens at once. Chuck jogs over with our packs, his eyes lighting up in eagerness as Minho uses his spear to fight off other boys who quickly surround him, while I forcefully kick my own capturer in the groins, and he doubles over. However, the boy turns to face me again, and in one rapid motion, kicks me in my left knee, causing me to scream as I hear a loud popping snap. Unbearable pain shoots down my leg as my knees buckle and my vision clouds with red. I see Newt reach for his pocket to get out his long, sharp dagger, pointing it at any boys who try to get close to me. Frypan rapidly cuts away the rope holding my wrists up, and I fall to the ground, yelling in agony. He helps me up, rubbing my back consolingly. Newt appears by my side.

"(y/n)... your wrist... and, your leg..." he whispers. Blood drips to the floor from the fingertips of my right hand, so I hastily wipe my lower arm on my shirt, leaving a smearing of blood. And as for my leg, well...

"I'm fine," I urge, despite feeling as if I could black out any moment. Newt puts his arm around my back as I put mine around his shoulder, putting all of my weight on my right leg and not allowing the other to touch the floor.

I look towards Gally. He stands, hunched over, looking defeated. "Well, aren't you just full of surprises?"

"You don't have to come with us," Thomas exclaims, "but we are leaving! Anyone else who wants to come, this is your last chance!"

"Don't listen to him, he's just trying to scare you!"

"No, I'm not trying to scare you," Thomas argues. "You're already scared! Alright, I'm scared! But I'd rather risk my life out there than spend the rest of it in here." A few boys look around at their group, then at our group. "We don't belong here," Thomas continues, his voice shaky. "This place – it isn't our home. Not mine. But we can make it out of here. I know that."

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