CHAPTER 64 - Forever Home

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We all exchange looks of astonished, disbelieving glee, and Minho pulls me in for a tight hug, us both laughing in wonder. 

"It really worked?" I ask hurriedly, spinning around to face Vince. "Like, the Flare is gone? Completely gone?"

Vince opens his mouth with a smile, his words failing him. "I... yeah, I don't know how, but... My God, all these years of trying to find a Cure, all the failed attempts, and it was in your blood, all along! Have a look for yourself." He gestures me over to the circular petri dish, underneath a microscope. I squint into the microscope, to see strange, dark, worm-like shapes, all breaking apart and being dissolved, slowly festering away to nothing. I pull back from the microscope and nod happily to the others. Vince grabs me by the shoulders. "(y/n), you literally saved Newt!"

With an enormous grin plastered on my face, I look to Newt. He smiles softly, holding his hand out for me to grasp. I lace my fingers between his, bending down to plant kisses on his hand. Already, I can see his breath beginning to steady, his face growing less pale, and he squeezes my hand gently with his fingers. 

"Thank you, (y/n)... and, Vince, and Minho, thank you, all... so much," he mutters weakly. 

"No, thank you, Newt, I mean... we've discovered a Cure! You can't even comprehend what that means to me, it's just..." Vince's eyes grow watery and I grab his hand in mine. "That was our dream for so long, and it's a reality now, and... you just don't know what this means to me."

"Mary would be so, so proud of you, Vince," I say softly, confidently. "This is what she would've wanted."

He nods, lips quivering emotionally, before he lets out a disbelieved laugh. "Yeah. Yeah, you're so right. And, she would've wanted this to be shared..." He claps his hands together. "Right, I am going to go and spread the good news, if that's okay with you guys?"

We all nod eagerly before he swiftly disappears, Minho and I chuckling, Newt smiling widely. Upon looking at his face again, the veins have completely vanished from his cheeks, and I can see them physically vanishing from his neck. Minho pats Newt on the shoulder, resting his hand there, and none of us can keep the infectious smiles away from our faces. My cheeks almost begin to hurt I'm smiling so much. 

"So, now what?" Minho asks. "I mean, the others still have no clue, do you want me to go and tell them before word spreads?"

"Yeah... yeah, I mean," Newt begins, clearing his throat. His voice has already gotten clearer, stronger. "I don't wanna push it, but I haven't properly seen my friends in... a while, and well..."

Minho and I exchange hesitant expressions, but we can both see the physical changes in Newt already. 

"Look man, you're obviously looking a lot better, but... let's not push it, okay? Maybe we'll see how you feel in a bit?"

Newt nods, sighing in relief. "Good that. Yeah, that's fair."

"Okay. I'll go find the others and let them know, (y/n), you obviously have no objections to staying here with your little Newtie, do you?" Minho asks annoyingly, his eyes sparkling with self-satisfaction.

Newt and I open our mouths to scold Minho before he saunters off laughing to himself, sending us a rude gesture on the way out. I let out a laughing gasp in partial shock, but mainly happiness – happiness, because this is what normality is supposed to feel like. 

I go to crouch down on the floor beside Newt's bed, when he shakes his head. 

"Absolutely not. C'mon, there's room here." He shuffles to the edge of his bed and I smile, going to lie down beside him. I'm careful not to rest my head on his chest, and rather lean it beside his torso, his arm holding my body from falling off the edge of the rather narrow bed. I snuggle up to him to get comfier, and he holds me tighter, my body facing him sideways. He looks down to my face, planting a tender kiss on my forehead. 

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