CHAPTER 49 - Zone B

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Hi guys! I'm so, SO sorry, I haven't updated in months. Honestly I don't have much of a valid reason for this other than feeling pretty overwhelmed by school and a busy personal life, and I didn't have much motivation to write, I'm so sorry. If you've still stuck around, reading this now, thank you so much for supporting my writing - it is what has convinced me to start updating again! I hope you can all understand x]


I put my hand over my mouth to stop myself from sobbing. I can't cry anymore, I won't;  this is about Minho. I hastily run my hands over my cheeks, brushing away the tears, and wipe my nose against my sleeve. Turning around quickly, I rush over to where Gally continues to cut through the steel door. He gives me a wary side-eye, his lips parted in brief worry. 

"I'm, uh - almost finished," he mutters. I nod, chewing on my bottom lip and taking my rucksack off. "Are you alright, (y/n)?"

I stop what I'm doing. Never have I heard Gally ask me if I'm alright, not in all he time I've known him - which, admittedly, isn't that long. But considering the circumstances in which we've lived in, it seems like I've known him my whole life. 

I take a breath before answering. "Yes," I eventually reply. "I think I am."

We suddenly hear a loud shouting coming from near the entrance. The kids we rescued look towards the door in fear, some of them running to the sides of the room to hide. 

"I'm almost finished," Gally insists. He works quicker, his movements before more hasty, and eventually a large wedge comes off the door to create a hole. Gally reaches through the hole in the door and unlocks it from the inside, opening it to reveal a small row of vials, filled halfway with transparent blue liquid. 

"I thought there would be more," Gally whispers. He shakes his head. "Grab as much as you can." I quickly take the vials off of the shelves with as much care as I can, stuffing them into my rucksack and into Gally's until the shelf is empty. There are roughly around twenty vials of serum in my bag, and ten in Gally's. I don't know how long it will last, but I'm just praying it's enough to last Newt for a while. 

The shouting gets closer. I look to Gally in alarm. 

"We need to get out fast," he says urgently. Looking around the room, he faces the kids. "Everyone follow me. Be quiet, move quick. If it comes to a fight, be prepared and don't give up."

The children exchange terrified glances. I nod to them in assurance. "Be brave. You're doing great." 

We make our way out of the room, and turn right down a smaller corridor. Considering no guards have reached us yet, I'd say they've all been diverted by Thomas and Newt, and I can't help but wonder if they've been captured by WICKED... 

I push the thoughts to the back of my mind. Gally gestures to turn left, so we do, and face a long staircase going downwards. With Gally and me leading the group, he tells me to head to the back to make sure everyone is safe. While I'm hovering at the top of the stairs for the kids to go down, I count sixteen children, all pre-teens. I wonder if they were going to be the next batch of test subjects to go into the Maze? Or if they're just used as WICKED's lab rats, as if they're preserving their immunity for their own benefit? 

Looking behind me, my eyes widen as I see a female scientist staring at us with a stunned expression, quickly tapping a digital watch on her wrist and bringing it to her mouth. 

"Gally!" I shout, running past the kids. "We need to be more concealed!"

His face turns blank for a moment, and I can see the clogs turning in his head as his lips twitch. "I have an idea," he says. "But it's risky."

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