CHAPTER 36 - Rescue Mission

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8:23 AM. 

They're late. 

I hear the distant whining of a train in the distance, and feel my heart rate rising. I sneak a glance at Newt, who seems more on edge than most of us. However I can see anticipation brimming from his body. He twitches nervously, or excitedly; I can't tell.

I peer out from over the boulder. It is small and barely covers both me and Newt, but it's better than nothing. I see the train approaching from around the mountain in the distance, just a small moving speck against the sandy mountains. I squint harder, and then I see it. 

"They're there! I see the car!" I exclaim. "It's right behind the train!"

The train's moving fast. It nears us, getting so much closer with each second. As it comes into clearer view, I can see people moving on the top of it. Two people on one side, eight on the other. With guns. 

I bite my lip as I watch the train get closer, as I watch the bullets fly through the air. The two figures disappear, and I know that it will be Thomas and Vince working on disconnecting the carriages so we can release WICKED's hostages and rescue Minho. 

Me and Newt prepare to make a quick run, squatting up onto our feet. He puts his hand on my knee, nodding to me with a serious expression. 

"Stick to the plan," he says, his lips tugging into a smile. "And we can leave WICKED behind forever."

I'm about to speak when I hear a loud explosion coming from the train, which is just about to pass us. I see the last few carriages of the train disconnect from the others, slowing down to a halt, while Thomas and Vince run onto the train track. They whistle over to us, waving us over. Me and Newt share a look of exhilaration, agitation. 

"Alright, come on!" Newt shouts over to the two boys crouched behind another boulder behind us. We all sprint over to the train carriage, Newt pulling his goggles and tools out of his bag. Thomas hammers on the side of the carriage, yelling Minho's name. Muffled screams and shouts come from inside. We all strain to listen, trying to hear Minho's loud, deep voice call out for us. 

"This one," Thomas nods. Newt begins to use one of his tools to break the lock of the carriage, with a blue flame slicing through the metal. 

Me, Thomas and Vince look out to the rest of the train, which has stopped a little further down the tracks. I see WICKED guards running along with guns, slowly but steadily getting closer. The harsh wind blows sand into the air, creating a cloud of dust surrounding us. My hair whips into my face, so I scrape it back into a messy ponytail.

"It's gonna be a close one," Vince sighs, putting his hands on his hips. "Where are those other boys?"

"Guarding the door at the back," I reply, glancing around to look back at Newt, still working on the lock. 

"We need to get started on securing the rope," Thomas states, walking to the carriage again. I run behind him, grabbing one end of a massive, sturdy rope with a hook on the back. I climb up the ladder on the side of the train, and hook it onto a thick metal hoop on top of the roof, pulling on it to make sure it's properly attached. I see Thomas clambering up the ladder after me with another rope, fastening it to another metal hoop.

I feel my heard pounding against my chest. A surge of adrenaline rushes through my veins while I look out to the oncoming soldiers, halfway across the tracks from us. Sand blows into my eyes, causing them to water, but I continue anyway.

"Newt, how you doing?" Thomas shouts down to him. 

"Don't rush me!" Newt calls back sharply. I climb back down the ladder to get another rope, catching a glimpse at the two boys near the back door. One of them holds a rifle and is aiming it towards the guards, getting ready for a fight. I reach the top of the ladder just as the bullets begin to fire. They ricochet off the metal side of the carriage, almost hitting me a few times. 

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