CHAPTER 6 - His Touch

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Newt, Minho, Thomas and I all enter hesitantly through the door, Gally lingering outside. I see Alby sitting at the edge of his bed, quivering slightly and staring to the wall in a daze. Newt carefully sits on the bed beside him.

"Alby? Alby, you alright?" he asks quietly. Alby doesn't reply. His chin wobbles as tears flow out of his eyes, cascading down his cheeks. Thomas cautiously walks over to the bed, hunching down in front of him.

"Alby, we might've just found a way out of the Maze," he says. "We could be getting out of here."

I see Alby shake his head ever so slightly. "We can't." His voice is low, barely even a whisper. "We can't leave. They wouldn't let us."

"What are you talking about?" Thomas asks.

"I remember. "

Thomas licks his lips anxiously. "What do you remember?"

Alby turns to face Thomas, his eyes clearing as he says one word, "You."

Silence settles throughout the room before Alby continues. "You were always their favourite, Thomas. Always. You and (y/n)."

Everyone looks towards me. I furrow my brows together in confusion, in sadness, looking down to the floor, wringing my hands together nervously. I take a deep, shaky breath before looking back up to one person. Newt. His brown eyes are wide, his lips parted as if he's about to say something, but doesn't.

"Why did you do this?" Alby continues to Thomas dejectedly. "Why did you come here?"

Everyone looks towards the door as muffled yells sound from all around the Glade. We all leave the room, leaving Alby cowering on his bed, muttering to himself with his head in his hands. I feel a pang of sadness in my chest looking at the broken boy, but I need to see what's going on.

The Glade is only illuminated by flickering torchlight now as the sun has gone, clouds covering the light of the moon. Boys run around the Glade, screaming to each other in an apparent frenzy.

"Hey, Winston, what's going on?" Thomas asks Winston, who's passing the group.

"It's the doors, they aren't closing!" the boy replies, continuing to run. I look over the where the main door is, and sure enough, a gaping chasm in the wall shows where it is still wide open. 

Everyone apprehensively edges closer to the door in the distance, Newt shouting over to them to stay back. We all run over, and look down the long strip of corridor which we shouldn't be able to see. Without warning, a loud grumbling noise startles everyone, and we all whip our heads round to see another door at the opposite end of the Glade slowly opening. Birds squawk and fly away from the door in a frenzy as gasps escape from people's mouths.

Then, another door opens to our left, a few boys yelling. And sure enough, the right door opens a few seconds later. Everyone's eyes are wide, their hands trembling in the dark. The other doors have never opened before.

Thomas and Newt begin giving out orders, while I stand there, frozen in my spot. Voices become inaudible and my head begins to spin, my legs feel weaker than they've ever felt before. My vision starts becoming blotchy as my eyes begin to close and my legs give way.

I feel someone catch me before I hit the floor, and hear muffled screams and yells. I hear my name. An accented voice. I slowly open my eyes, and I'm lying on the floor, looking up at Newt, Thomas and Minho. Someone is squeezing my hand. They're saying things to me, faint things that I can't quite make out. Within a few seconds though, my hearing returns to normal and I can clearly see their faces.

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