CHAPTER 31 - Betrayal

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"Come on," Thomas says. "Let's go find the others."

We walk through the camp, earning brief smiles or nods from the passing people. Everyone is busily packing things away or loading it into trucks and vans, preparing for tomorrow. I feel a buzz of excitement fill my body as I think about the possibility of a new life. 

We walk along a dusty track further out of the camp, and find Newt, Minho and Frypan sitting by the edge of a small drop overlooking the whole campsite. 

"Hey, where you been?" Fry asks. 

"Just checking up on Brenda, you?" I reply. 

"We were just talking. Seems strange, less than a month ago we were with WICKED. Now we can finally say goodbye to those shanks," Minho grins. 

"Amen to that," Fry chuckles. 

"I wish Alby could've seen all this," Newt mutters somberly. 

"And Winston," Frypan adds sadly. 

"Yeah..." Thomas murmurs. "And Chuck."

Everyone looks to Thomas, who clutches a small, intricate wooden carving. I can't believe I forgot... the one thing Chuck wanted was to give it to his parents. Something he'd made, when he couldn't do anything else other than sit, isolated, in that Maze. 

"He'd be proud of you, Tommy," Newt says. Everyone nods slowly, quietly. We all look out to the camp, at the bustling people and the echoes of hopeful laughter. I see Aris, Sonya and Harriet sitting next to a small fire, snorting with full laughter.

"Hey, Aris!" Fry calls. 

Aris waves, a massive smile on his face. "Hey, guys!"

Fry smiles. "You know, I kinda like that kid."

"Yeah," Minho admits thoughtfully. "I still don't trust him, though."

I giggle, shaking my head. "Only you, Minho. Only you."

"Hey, where's Teresa?" Thomas asks. I scan my eyes across the tents, but can't see her. 

"She went up there," Newt answers, pointing to a vast cliff edge, facing the whole Scorch. A silhouette of a girl stands dark against the dim sunset, her long hair blowing in the warm breeze. I look to Thomas, biting my lip. 

"Go on," I sigh. "I think she could do with someone to talk to right now." 

I nudge him playfully as he stands up, attempting a smile. "Thomas," I say quietly, while no one else is listening. "I think she feels the same way about you."

I see a reluctant smile grow on his face, no matter how much he tries to make it disappear. He strolls away from the group and towards the cliff, climbing up the rocks. 

Newt clears his throat. "Um, (y/n), could I talk to you?"

"Of course," I reply. I see Minho and Frypan smirk to each other, getting up to leave. They head down the track and back to the camp, where they sit with Aris and the others.    

"I just wanted to talk without anyone else around," Newt explains. My heart flutters in my chest, almost as frantic as the butterflies in my stomach. Newt stands up and faces the other direction, where the sun is lowering into the skyline. The sky is painted shades of rosy pink and muted orange, bleeding together in a perfect blend of radiant colours. It's as if the sky is painted with watercolours, bleeding its canvas in the most beautiful display of light and colour. I stand up and walk beside him, watching the sun dim into the horizon with amazement in my eyes.

"It's beautiful," I whisper. "Do you remember the sunsets in the Maze? How the whole Glade would fill with this warm, golden colour; and it made me feel so hopeful. So grounded."

Newt looks to me. I return the stare, looking deep into those beautiful brown eyes of his. I can see the gold flecks shimmering in his irises, just small slithers of marigold usually hidden in the darker chocolate tones. He says, "do you feel okay, (y/n)? How's your ankle?"

I smile. "It's better. I mean, it looks horrible; it'll probably scar. But I think... what happened to Winston, and Brenda, that won't be happening to me anytime soon."

He breathes a sigh of relief. "Good that. Shuck, you scared me to death there. If I'd have to leave you, the way we left Winston..." he trails off, closing his eyes and shaking his head, as if he can't think to say the words that may follow.

"Newt?" I murmur. 


"What did Minho mean earlier, when you two wouldn't let me go when Brenda collapsed? He said you wouldn't let me go 'because you know me'. What was that supposed to mean?"

Newt laughs briefly. "Because we know that you can get reckless when it comes to the people you care about. With the best intentions, you can be very feisty."  

I smile as I look to the floor, slightly embarrassed. Newt's expression softens. 

"We didn't want you to hurt yourself," he clarifies. "You're so caring and thoughtful of those around you. We knew that you'd just as easily take a bullet for Brenda as you would have done for Chuck. I saw you, that night, trying to pull him back from Gally..."   

I go quiet, my eyes still lingering on the floor. "He was too young. I would've done anything to have him here instead of me." 

"I know, (y/n). But we can't choose who gets to survive in this world. And you can't just choose to die, even if it is for other people. You know why?" Newt pauses for a moment, and when I look up, I see tears building in his eyes. "Because... (y/n), without you, the world would be too cruel."

"What do you mean?" I ask softly. 

"Shuck, (y/n). You're everything that's good in this world. You're so strong, and smart, and considerate... and so shucking beautiful, and compassionate and brave."

I laugh quietly, biting my bottom lip bashfully. Newt puts his hand underneath my chin, pulling it upwards so I'm looking at him. I see the hint of tears still glistening in his eyes, but he's smiling. His other hand moves to the side of my head, cupping my cheek. He breaks eye contact with me for a minute to glance at my lips. I can feel my heart hammering as I lick my lips. We begin to lean in. My eyes slowly begin to close, I can feel his breath on my mouth now—

A whirring noise ripples through the air like thunder. Me and Newt break away in alarm, looking across the sky. But it's not thunder. It's Bergs, rapidly flying through the air towards us, getting closer every second. 

"Oh my God..." I breathe. 

"Go," Newt whispers. "Go, go!" 

We sprint back to the camp, where people look up to the sky confusedly. A few people's eyes grow wide and they begin to grab bags or clothes, but some are still searching the sky, oblivious to the situation. 

"Everyone needs to get out of here!" I scream. "It's WICKED, they found us!"

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