I'll Come Back (Narry)

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Third Person's POV

Niall walked downstairs after he gave up on falling asleep again. Not wanting to eat breakfast without Harry, he decided it was about time he went through the colossal pile of mail on the table.

One of the envelops stood out from the rest, so Niall decided he'd start with that.

The back of the envelope had the name of a sender that had Niall's heart rock-bottom.

The Army Of The United States

Dear Mr. Styles,

You are expected to be on the designated location on the 10th of February, and you are to be dispatched to Iraq to help the forces there.

Niall let the paper fly out of his hands and onto the ground. A myriad of thoughts were swirling around his head, and he was feeling several shades of betrayal.

Harry knew, he knew how Niall felt about that. Yet, he chose to sign up like it was nothing, like his feelings were nothing.

And to top it all off, Niall was positive that everyone else knew about that.

He quickly scrambled to fold the paper back into the envelope when he heard Harry's approaching steps. He donned a welcoming expression, trying hard to conceal his betrayal and disbelief at Harry's stunt.

"Good morning babe."


"What were you up to?"

"Nothing much, I was just sorting the mail. Anything you have coming up that I should know about?" Niall knew he sounded assertive, but he just couldn't hold his tongue any longer.

"Um, no?" Harry gulped nervously.

"Okay then. Breakfast?" That was another slap to his face. He had expected Harry to tell him, not lie to him anymore, and he was devastatingly disappointed in the latter.

The complication in the situation wasn't that Zayn didn't tell him. It wasn't the fact that Liam didn't prevent it, neither, nor was it Louis and his encouragement, for he was all about the 'defending the country' bullshit. Niall could easily overlook those, take them with a pinch of salt. No, they weren't the problem at all. The problem was Harry- the fact that he lied, straight up lied to his face as if he wouldn't find out. Niall knew and yet Harry still denied it. And just like that, Niall feels torn of every ounce of belief he once had for a person of whom he trusted with his life.

"When were you planning on fucking telling me huh? On your first letter from camp?" Niall roared, all forbearance gone.

"Niall, I-" Harry tried.

"No Harry, you know I lost my father to the army, you know how I feel about this. How could you?" The betrayal was evident in his tone, and Harry's eyes saddened and dimmed at that.

"Niall, baby, I'm so sorry. I just wanted to protect you and it's my duty; I can't just tell the army no. Plus I'll always come back; I have a strong reason to." Harry pledged as he slowly neared Niall.

The blond collapsed in Harry's arms and couldn't help the tears that escaped his eyes. He just didn't want to think of what he'd become if he were to lose Harry like he did his father.

"I love you Harry, and I don't want to lose you." Niall voiced his fears.

"And you won't, baby I'm gonna be okay, yeah? You just have to believe in me. Plus, I have to protect my princess." Harry remarked cheekily.

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