Can't Let Go (Zarry)

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Zayn's POV

I really don't know what happened. I really don't know what went wrong. Was it me or was it him? Or maybe it was the both of us. I really don't know. But it wasn't just one fight. It was more than that. It was all the pent up anger of many fights left unresolved and that are usually cut off by angry sex. I think this solution wasn't such a smart idea, for it caused the heartache I'm facing right now. I can't believe I haven't seen him for 2 months now. But he hurt me pretty badly. I missed his green irises, his cute dimples, his curly locks, his hands, his face, everything about him. I miss him dearly, but does he miss me? Does he still love me? Being far away from him made me start doubting myself.

The last fight that we had was pretty ugly.


I've been worried sick. He's never this late. What if something happened to him? It's 1:00 A.M, he always comes back no later than 11 o'clock. I was snapped out of my worried thoughts when I heard the front door slam shut. Harry stumbled in, drunk of course, muttering something incoherent.

"Where have you been Harry?"

"In the c-club w-with Ni-Niall."

"Are you always with Niall now Harry? It seems to me that you've been spending more time with him than you are with me, your own boyfriend! What's wrong with you Harry? You've been picking out fights with me for some time now, always coming back home late and drunk off your ass. And when I ask you who you've been with it's always Niall." I growled angrily. My words and angry tone seemed to sober him up a bit.

"Well what if I want to spend some time with Niall? Who are you to tell me who to stay with and who to avoid? At least Niall doesn't annoy me and smother me with questions every time I see his fucking face!" He shouted back his tone matching mine, but I wasn't having that.

"Incase you haven't noticed I'm your fucking boyfriend! And I'm annoying now? Excuse me for actually caring about you! And if you fucking love Niall so much, why don't you go and date him instead!"

"Ha! Maybe I will. And yes you are annoying, probably that's the reason that made your father walk out on you and eventually your mom realized how worthless you are so she kicked you out of the house!" His eyes widened in realization when he finally comprehended what he had just said.

But it was too late. The words have been spoken and my heart was shattered. I can't believe he just said that. He knew how I felt about this subject yet he had the nerve to remind me about it. Tears of sadness and remorse cascaded down my face as I stared wide eyed at him. It hurt so much to hear these words coming from him. He just called me worthless. How could he? I thought he loved me? I guess I was wrong. Sobs racked my body and I collapsed to the floor unable to support my weight anymore.

"Z-Zayn I'm s-so so-sorry I-I didn't me-mean to say that." He stuttered as his voice sounded like he was about to join my sob fest anytime soon.

I ignored his plea while I pushed my weight off the floor heading over to the front door. As I placed my hand on the knob ready to twist it open, I was stopped by a familiar warm hand that was wrapped around my own. I slightly craned my neck to the right and said,

"Harry I think you've said too much already, please let me go." I whispered the last bit as my voice cracked slightly.

A couple of seconds later, he hesitantly unwrapped his wrist from around mine and I immediately left the house, hopped into the car and drove off to the only other person I had left in this world, Liam Payne.

**Flashback over**

And that's where I have currently been staying, at Liam's house. As much as I love staying with Liam I just want to go back home. My home with my Harry. But he thinks I'm worthless, so does he really want me back? I just...... I miss him so much.

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