Passenger Side (Lilo) ~Part Two

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Louis's POV

I can't believe that Liam actually came back. I thought..... I thought he forgot about me. I never expected him to come back, and I never fantasized about him coming back like this. Liam was rich now, and like he promised me before he came back and he now has the only thing that my parents seemed to care about, money and lots of it. The look in his eyes when he saw me with Harry killed me on the inside. He looked so broken, so sad, the upbeat mood that was in the air before he came immediately switched to a melancholy one. It was all because of me. Liam worked his ass off and made the money he promised will bring us back together and I reward him by showing him I moved on, and that I just forgot about him. It was far from that though, how could I ever forget about him? He was and still is the love of my life. I shared with him tears but the laughs were much more than that. The intimate moments that heated my body up and set tingles running off throughout my entire being made me love him even more. I loved going on rides in his car, he seemed to despise the thing, but I just loved it. It showed me the simplicity that I was never given, it gave me new feelings that I would probably never experience being with my family and all, and most importantly it was Liam's.

We were all still standing in shock, but I was stuck in a trance reminiscing the memories I made with my Li. I wanted to chase after him so badly, he couldn't have gone that far. So with that, I grabbed my keys ignoring Harry's questioning calls and I was off and driving after the love of my life. True to my words, I could see Liam's new and fancy car not so far away. I stepped on the gas pedal trying to catch up with him, with a swerve I stopped my car in front of Liam's causing him to stop as well.

"What the hell?" He screamed, clearly still not knowing it was me. I exited the car and walked the few steps keeping me away from Liam, but leaving a small space between us.

"Lou? What are you doing here? And why did you follow me?" He asked all at once.

"Liam you did come back like you promised, but you didn't hear my side of the story. I did wait for you Liam, I am still waiting for you and you have absolutely no idea how happy I am to see you. What you saw today is not what you think it was. Harry is just my best friend, we were forced to date by our parents because they thought that that would make both families stronger, but they didn't know that we are best friends. Harry knows all about our relationship. He was the one that helped me through my darkest days when you were far away from me. So he's nothing but a friend. We were kissing because it was all party of the show, we needed to make it believable. Liam you came back and I couldn't be happier. I.... I missed you so much." I whispered at the end with hot tears cascading down my face. Liam had tears flowing down his face as well. I stood there awaiting his reply, hoping that he would believe me.

"Louis...I missed you too baby, so so much. I'm sorry that I assumed the worse and accused you of moving on from us. I was just shocked." He opened his arms gesturing for me to come closer. I ran towards him and jumped into his embrace, missing the feel of it so much. Overwhelmed by all of these feelings hitting me full force all at once, I couldn't help but cry. Liam pulled back holding my chin and looking at me with worry.

"What's wrong Lou, are you alright?" He questioned frowning.

"Yeah yeah I'm alright. It's just that I can't believe you're actually here Lili." I said chuckling slightly.

"I'm here Louis, and I'm not leaving anytime soon." He whispered, and did the one thing I've been craving for. He locked our lips together, and I couldn't help but kiss him fervently, wanting to make up for all the lost time in which I couldn't feel these sinful lips on mine. When air became a necessity, we pulled back and just kept brown locked with blue. Wordlessly, we went to Liam's car, and for the first time ever, I was in a fancy passenger side of the car of my lover.

I guess you could say the seat was stained now. I wasn't leaving him anytime soon, and I planned on keeping him by my side as well.


So as it was requested, here is part two. I hope it was good enough. Tell me your thoughts babes.





Thank you lovelies


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