Maelstrom (Ziam)

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Third Persons's POV

Love was known for its miracles. It broke hearts and fixed others. Completed souls and hollowed some. It was a matter of win it or lose it.

Liam and Zayn's relationship was an epitome of love's complexity, and how much it can survive until it irrevocably affects one of the players.

Liam was a hurricane, a merciless and unstoppable whirlwind that destroyed everything in its wake, that was until he met Zayn.

Zayn slowed down Liam's pace, softened his heart, awakened feelings so foreign to Liam, that he became a freight train, one that overran Zayn himself.

Zayn pretended that it didn't wound him, that it didn't pierce his heart painfully whenever Liam spat that, no, he didn't love him, that he didn't love anyone but himself, it really didn't. It only shattered what was left of his resolve slowly, but surely.

Liam was always too livid, always angry and impudent, so inconsiderate of Zayn's feelings, that he didn't realize how much he was wounding the boy. Zayn was the only person that came into his life and managed to steal the thing he's been protecting for as long as he can remember, his heart. It only took a flutter of his long lashes on his perfectly sculptured cheeks, a gaze of golden molten lava meeting azure brown, and last but not least the feel of just Zayn.

"I don't love you and to be fucking honest, I don't know what you're still doing here."

But Zayn still stuck around.


Zayn's heard it all. The 'you're waisting your time on someone who's not worth it' bullshit, but that's all it was to Zayn, bullshit.

One of love's capabilities was blinding one to their lover's flaws, Zayn was just another example.

He didn't know that what Liam was doing to him was wrong; he didn't think that, eventually, he'd end up having a broken heart and everlasting tears to further burn his wounds.

But Zayn still knew better, he knew Liam. He knew that beneath the faux façade was a loving a heart, an encaged and fettered heart, screaming to be released. Zayn wanted to have that honor, he wanted to free Liam's heart into his hands, but he didn't know he'd have to forsake his own in the process.

"You're not even enough Zayn. I bet you I can go out and pick up someone much better than you off the streets. I don't even know what was I thinking when I agreed to go out with you." Liam huffed.

"If I knew better, I would do better."

Maybe Liam's heart broke a little, just a little, for the vulnerability and rawness in Zayn's voice was heart wrenching.

And Zayn still stuck around.


It was one of those days where the weather was inconsistent, and a fleeting moment of happiness would cross a mind then leave it miserable again at the faraway thought of actual, tangible happiness.

Zayn was sat by the window, his eyes scrutinizing the serene scenery before him.

He was waiting for Liam.

He knew today Liam's chances in scoring a promotion were high, and he was anxious to know what had happened, and of course, he couldn't just call Liam like any normal boyfriend would because his own boyfriend was atypical.

After what seemed to be hours, Liam finally returned home.

"Did you get the promotion!?" Zayn asked frenetically.

"Yes, I did." Liam stated monotonically.

"Oh my god! I'm so happy for you baby, you deserve it." Zayn congratulated him joyously.

"Yeah yeah yeah. Now I'm even more better than you are. I mean, look at my position and look at yours. You work as a receptionist for the company I'm an executive manager in now."

"You know Liam, I always wonder why if you think so little of me, why haven't you ended this relationship yet?" Zayn inquired but didn't wait for an answer, he despondently went to their room after muttering a quiet 'dinner's in the microwave'.

Liam's heart rock-bottomed. He didn't want to go through this; he wouldn't cope without Zayn. He just doesn't know how to love. He doesn't.

And of course, Zayn still stuck around.


"I'm going over to Louis' for the weekend." Zayn announced as he grabbed his keys and proceeded to slip on his shoes.

"Whatever." Liam snapped.

"Will you be okay?"

"I don't fucking need you, Zayn."

"There's pizza in the fridge..." Zayn slipped his coat on and quickly headed over to Liam, pecked the corner of his mouth, and hastily ran out of the door before Liam could see his threatening tears.

But Liam heard it in his voice, and for the first time in forever, Liam allowed himself to cry, to show emotions. He didn't like that they were sad, but that's how he felt about what he was doing to Zayn, he felt dejected.


"Z-Zayn?" Liam stuttered into the phone.

"Liam? Liam, baby are you okay?" Zayn was appalled; that's the first time Liam calls him, and he didn't sound okay.

"N-no. Please come home Zayn, I need you." Liam was sobbing so hard that his head started pounding, but he didn't give two shits, this was all about Zayn now.

"Liam, I'm coming now yeah. Calm down, calm down for me darling."

"I'm sorry. I-"

"Shhhh. You'll be okay, we're okay. I'll be with you in a few. Try napping or something until I come."

"No! Stay with me on the phone, please."

"Okay, I will. Just calm down, breathe."


Zayn didn't say anything when Liam launched himself at him. He only rubbed his back soothingly, pressed calming kisses to his neck, and whispered sweet nothings into his ear. It was the first time Zayn got to experience what it was like having Liam in his arms; he couldn't be more in love with the feeling.

He didn't question it when Liam grabbed his face and crashed his lips onto his, Liam's salty tears getting in the way, but Zayn wouldn't have wanted it any other way. His first kiss with Liam, that's something he's been fantasizing about for the past three years, and despite how messy it was, it was perfect to him.

Zayn was glad that he's stuck around.


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