How To Be A Heartbreaker (Lirry)

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Third Person's POV

Liam never really thought about the consequences when he decided to put his sick twisted plan into action. He never thought about how badly it would wound Harry. Harry might have that I-Don't-Give-A-Fuck façade but in reality it was far from that, he was beyond broken on the inside but no one cared enough to actually try and to find out why Harry has a new play toy everyday. Why he never had a stable relationship. It's not that he doesn't want to it's just that he's afraid of being hurt again. He's afraid that his heart would be broken even more. But when Liam wanted to hurt Harry and break his heart he didn't think that it's already broken and that he will just wound it more. Liam wanted to do this because he simply didn't like the way Harry fucked everything that walked without a care in the world. He thought Harry was happy and he just wanted to break his heart for a change.

Liam wanted to be his heartbreaker.

Liam was basically the only gay guy at school that hasn't been fucked by Harry. So it was easy for him to lure Harry into his trap because he has been trying to grab his attention for a while now. The rules were really easy.

Rule number one, is that you gotta have fun

But baby when you're done, you gotta be the first to run

In a short period of time Liam already had a date planned with Harry for tonight. The smirk that immediately appeared on Harry's face when Liam accepted his invitation was still fresh in his mind, and he couldn't help but smirk at the fact that his plan was progressing smoothly and that he was actually going to have fun while doing it.

When the clock struck seven Harry was already knocking on Liam's door anxiously. A minute later Liam was at the door swinging it open to reveal himself and have Harry's jaw dropped open. He had to admit he was pretty fond of his outfit, so he wasn't that surprised from Harry's reaction.

"You look so sexy babe." Harry said after regaining his composure accompanied by his ever so present smirk.

"You look pretty fine yourself Harry." Liam had to admit he looked really good in his signature black skinny jeans black and yellow striped shirt and his black blazer.

"Ready to go?" Harry acquired while reaching out his hand for Liam's.

Liam nodded and in a matter of minutes they were both buckled up and on their way to their intended destination, the club. Liam and Harry started off their date by getting to know each other. After sharing a couple of laughs and interesting information with the curly headed lad Liam learned that Harry wasn't such a bad person after all. He had this cheeky side but he was also really kind hearted.

Rule number two, just don't get attached to

Somebody you could lose

That thought immediately washed away when Liam remembered that he was only here to break Harry's heart and that he shouldn't get attached to the said lad. A few more laughs and a couple of drinks later Harry was driving Liam back home with one thing on his mind, he actually had fun. He didn't think about getting in Liam's pants not even once tonight and that actually surprised him. For he wasn't the one for relationships. He simply fucked then left. Why is it different now? Maybe because Liam is different. He didn't know and he didn't want to think about it just yet. As for Liam, his thoughts were full of doubts about his said plan. Did he really want to continue with it? Should he stop and give his heart a chance to love Harry?

Rule number three, wear your heart on your cheek

But never on your sleeve unless you wanna taste defeat

Liam mentally scolded himself, he had to do this. Both boys' raging thoughts were cut short when they reached Liam's house. When they reached his doorstep Harry backed Liam against the door.

"Will I see you again?" Harry asked him his eyes clouding with lust.

"Perhaps, I don't really know." Liam replied cheekily.

With that said Harry pressed his lips onto Liam's while his hands reached to grope Liam's bum. The intense snogging session ended after a couple of minutes when Liam pulled away earning a low growl of protest from Harry. Liam just chuckled at the boy's response turned around and unlocked his door and wordlessly entered his house. While Harry was still thinking about how intoxicating Liam's lips were. How good they felt on his own lips and he couldn't help but want to taste them again.

Rule number four, gotta be looking pure

Kissing goodbye at the door, and leave him wanting more

And that's exactly what happened. The next couple of weeks consisted of more dates and more intense kisses that made Harry eventually fall in love with Liam. He couldn't help himself but fall for Liam's puppy brown eyes and crave the feel of his lips on his own. They have exchanged the magical words, they were genuine from Harry's side but all fake from Liam's. It's the first time in a really long time that Harry has admitted his love for someone. He thought that he was incapable of loving another person again, but Liam proved him wrong. He didn't know that he fell in love with the wrong person. He fell in love with his heartbreaker. When the moment Liam has been waiting for came, Liam knew he had to reveal his cruel plan to Harry.

"Liam I want to make love to you."

"Oh Harry. You actually thought that I love you? You're really stupid if you did. All along I have been playing you just like how you have been playing everyone else. I never loved you and I never will. You don't deserve to be loved Harry. You think that everyone would want to fuck you. Well guess what Harry, you thought wrong. I had a really good time playing with your heart Harry and making you believe that I actually loved you. I think it all ends now. I hope you've learned your lesson Harry and I know you've learned it the hard way but maybe this is the only way that'll make you understand that what you're doing is not acceptable."

"You're kidding right?"

Liam shook his head no, as he smirked watching Harry's hurt expression.

This is how to be a heartbreaker

Boys they like the look of danger

We'll get him falling for a stranger

A player singing lo-lo-love you

At least I think I do

"You know what Liam, fuck you. You don't know shit about me. You can't just come into my life lead me on and make me fall in love with you then tell me you did this because you wanted to teach me a lesson. Didn't you think that maybe I might have a reason behind my actions? Didn't you think that maybe I've been already hurt enough? Well guess what Liam you just added another wound on my already broken heart. Just when I thought that somebody finally cared enough to actually love me, it turns out that he wanted to break me just like everyone else. I actually thought you were different. I actually thought you loved me back. I shouldn't have opened up to you in the first place. That's why I don't get close to people, they just hurt you and now you've proved my theory even more. Thanks a lot Liam have a nice life." Harry exclaimed as tears cascaded down his cheeks. His emotions finally letting lose.

The smirk that has been on Liam's face was wiped off and now he was staring at Harry with nothing but guilt and disbelief. He hadn't thought of it this way. He didn't think that it will wound Harry that much. He wanted to take it all back but he knew that the damage has been done and he broke the broken boy even more. He watched helplessly as Harry continued sobbing his heart out not knowing what to do.

Eventually Liam realized that he didn't really enjoy being Harry's heartbreaker after all because he didn't just break his heart, he ruined him. Harry didn't smile anymore, he didn't talk anymore, his stare was always hard and unfocused. He no longer had one night stands. He no longer was the Harry Styles, he was now just a vulnerable boy who didn't want to live anymore. He was now the boy who was emotionally destroyed by Liam Payne.

And Liam didn't like that. He didn't like it one bit.


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