𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐌 𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌 𝐈𝐍 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐘𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖 and blue uniform. It was the football game today, and he had decided to have no worries today. The football game will help him to keep his mind off the stolen knife that neither Dr Saltzman nor Hope have done anything to get it back. The boy looks around for any of his friends when his gaze falls on Daniel who's seated on one of the couches.
The Salvatore boy plops down on the couch beside the wolf. “Hey, Daniel. Where's the others?” He hasn't seen Penelope, which is weird since she's usually the one he sees first.
“I do not know. Gregg left our room early this morning, I haven't seen Penelope in forever and Amara is somewhere here,” Daniel tells him. Liam frowns, “So you also don't know where Penelope is?”
“Nope. It's weird that she hasn't shown up, yet.”
Liam looks around wondering if he'll see Hope. It doesn't matter that he's mad at her, he still wanted to see her.
“If you're looking for Hope, she's gone.” The two boys looks back at the same time to see Penelope Park in all her glory with short hair. Liam's eyes widen and he raises his brow.
“What happened to you?”
Penelope walks over to the Liam's seat. “An ex of mine almost burned off all of my hair, but luckily I was able to cut the damaged hair and who knew I would rock this look,” Penelope says with a smile.
“Who? Josie?” Daniel asks.
“Who else?” Penelope asks sitting down beside Liam. Liam sneaks a glance over at Daniel. “Why would she do that?”
“My dear Liam. You missed a lot while you were away.”
It definitely seemed like he did. Josie may have hated Penelope, but she was sure the girl would go to the extreme and burn off her ex's hair. She can't be that crazy. “Tell me what happened.”
“Well, Josie and I tried to date again, but it didn't work out, and we ended up on bad terms again. She took it harder than I did it seems, and she did this,” Penelope informs the boy.
“Wow, did this happened during winter break?” Liam asks since he was sure that's the only time they could've spent time together.
“Yeah.”Liam looks at Daniel, “How was Gregg during that time?”
“I don't know. He wasn't here.” Liam didn't want to ask Daniel how he was doing since Penelope didn't know that her friend liked her ex-girlfriend. Daniel wanted to keep that a secret from her.
“P, what did you say about Hope?” Daniel asks the girl. “Oh, yeah, I was going to ask you that. What happened with Hope?”
“She left with Dr Saltzman and Rafael.”
If Rafael was involved then he is sure they went out to go look for Landon and the knife. “You don't seem fazed at all by the information.”
“Should I be?” Liam asks the girl.
“Your girlfriend went on a trip with another guy, going after her former crush. How do you feel about that?” Penelope teases the boy. Liam rolls his eyes. “Wolf boy and curly Bill are the least of my worries.“
“Curly Bill?”
“Yeah, for some reason he looks like a Bill to me.”
“So, you're basically still mad at her? I mean, I get why you are, but you can't be blaming her,” Penelope tells him. “Well, I am blaming her and I will only stop when they bring back Curly Bill and the knife.”
“Are you sure you're not jealous that your girlfriend's former crush showed up?”
Liam rolls his eyes at the girl. Penelope runs her hand through his hair when her gaze falls on the twins who are now currently walking their way. Liam seems to notice them too because he starts to chuckle.
“Here comes your crazy ex.”
Liam stands up from beside Penelope, and he moves over to Daniel's side. He leans closer to the boy. “So, how did you handle the whole Josie and Penelope thing?” he asks the boy.
“I dealt with it the only way I can.”
“You hid in your room, avoiding them both?”
“Gregg has taught you well I see,” Liam teases.
“Today, we will lose even more epically than we normally do,” Liam hears Lizzie say. “Win by losing. That's the spirit.”
Liam didn't understand why Dr Saltzman encouraged them to lose so horribly. If they actually played without using magic, and then would win it would still be fair.
“There's someone we need to recruit to our Island of Misfit Toys. Tall, hot and handsome,” the blonde says loudly as she nears them.
“I am totally thinking tight end.”
“I just saw him. Yeah, sorry, Raf's not going to be at the game,” Penelope tells the twins. “He hopped the Hope train out of town. Just like your dad.”
“Daniel, are you playing today?” Lizzie asks Daniel. The boy looks at Liam, and he sighs, “Nope. You guys know the wolves don't play.”
“But you're not a part of the pack.”
“Yeah, but still. I don't want to play if we're going to lose every time,” Daniel tells the blonde.
“Whatever. Keep being the loner that you are.” Lizzie turns and she walks off.“Don't mind her, Daniel. But do think about joining the team,” Josie says before she walks off, not sparing Penelope a glance.
Liam looks at Daniel who seems to be blushing. It was as obvious as daylight that he liked Josie. “Let me guess, you're going to think about joining, right?”
“You know, maybe I should. I would be doing it for the school. I mean, I'll be helping the school.”
“In losing? Can you be anymore obviously, Daniel?” Penelope asks and the two boy's eyes widen. The girl rolls her eyes looking between them.
“You really think I didn't know you liked Josie? I've known ever since you arrived here.”Daniel looks at Liam who seems shocked and amused. “Uh, well, I didn't mean to—. . .”
“No need to be. I can't tell you that you can't have a crush on Josie.”
“But why didn't you ever say anything.”
“Because I don't care and also, Josie has shown the least bit of interest in guys, even though she has had a few crushes on boys,” Penelope says. It basically meant that Daniel had about a 5% chance of Josie even thinking of him as more than a friend.
“Good to know.”
“Don't be discredit my dear friend,” Penelope says. “You have a better chance at you two dating then her even speaking to me again.”
Penelope stands up with a smile before she walks off. Liam looks at Daniel, and he lets out a sigh. “She just basically implied that I have no chance at all, right?”
i still have some trouble writing with one left hand seeing as my right hand is still healing so this not my best chapter, but I hope you guys are like it.

أدب الهواة- in which the angel falls for the devil's daughter. Highest rankings: #6 - hopemikaelson #5 - danielleroserussell #11 - herofiennestiffin