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𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐌 𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐑𝐊𝐒, 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 Mikaelson girl, who seems to be studying. Test week is approaching and most of the students were studying, he, however, he has been helping Daniel and Greg. He and Penelope are trying to take the two out of the basement, but they knew they won't be able to do that since Dr Saltzman is scared for the students if werewolves run amok on school property.

Hope glances up from her notepad, and she makes eye contact with him. She rolls her eyes before continuing. Hope has been putting their lessons off, telling him the same excuse that she's busy. They haven't had a lesson in a week. Liam keeps telling himself that she can't resist him and now she's trying to make something up. He knows that isn't the case but that's the only way to keep himself anchored.

“Hey, Liam.” The brunette sits down beside Liam.
“Hey P,” he greets her but his stare is on Hope, who is across the room. Penelope looks over to where the Mikaelson was seated. She clears her throat and a smirk forms on her lips. “Why don't you just put me out of my damn misery and go talk to her?”

“Well, she's kind of been avoiding me for about a week now. I don't know why though.”

“Maybe she's tired of seeing your face every day because I know I would be,” Penelope mumbles under her breath. Liam gives the brunette a side glare. She smiles, placing her elbow on his shoulder. “Oh, you know you love having me around.”

“Oh, you know I do.” She sends him a wink and he smiles. “Okay, now tell me what's really going on.”

Liam looks over at Hope, before looking back at Penelope. “Well, Hope doesn't want to commit—”

“But you do?”

“No, that's not what I'm saying. I like Hope—”

“Yeah, everyone knows you do.” Liam glares at the girl and he huffs. “Anyway, I like her but I don't think she likes me at all. After days of us just making out around the school, she suddenly stops and now she doesn't want to see me. Like is she for real — oh god, I'm sounding like an insecure teenage girl,” Liam mumbles, whining a bit. Penelope couldn't help but chuckle, shaking her head.

“Hey, not all of us ‘teenage girls’ sound like that, okay?”

Liam glances up, to look over at Hope. “Liam, you really like Hope and you're actually hoping she likes you too even though I'm pretty sure she doesn't.”

“Really Penelope?”

“What? It's funny.” The girl chuckles but Liam didn't think it was funny at all. Penelope sighs, scooting closer to the boy. “Hey, Liam. Look at me.”

She turns his head with her index finger. “If you tell anyone I said, this I will deny it and literally burn you alive,” Penelope tells him. “Liam, you're an amazing guy and if Hope doesn't see that, than to hell with her. She may be badass but she's stupid. Because she's missing out on a really great guy. If you weren't like the brother I never had, I would've totally fallen for you.”

Liam smiles, staring at Penelope beside him. She really became the friend he needed. He's glad he met her.
“Thanks, Penelope.”

Penelope bumps him with her shoulder. “No problem. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go find Daniel. See you later.” The girl stands up leaving Liam at the table alone. Penelope is only nice when she has the time. Liam chuckles which attracts the tribrid across the room.

Penelope stops in her track and turns, “Oh and by the way, we're having a little party at the Old Mill.”

“A party? Really? You do know the test week is coming up right?” Liam reminds her and she rolls her eyes. “Of course I know. That's why we're throwing it. Just be there at 7 tonight, don't be late!”


Liam stands against the wall waiting for the girl to emerge from the classroom. It's her last class of the day, and he needed to talk to her. This ‘avoiding him’ isn't working for him at all. Milton Greasly walks past him and her finally remembers that he needed to talk to him. “Hey MG!”

The boy turns his head, and he frowns when he sees Liam walking towards him. “Hello Liam Salvatore,” MG says nervously before looking around which caused Liam to frown. He didn't even know Liam knew his name. “I need your help with something.”

“Why me?”

“You're a vampire and this something is only something a vampire can do.” MG frowns at the boy. “Uh, okay. What is this something?”

“I need you to go into my mind,” Liam tells him. His gaze falls on the auburnette walking out of the room. He needed to wrap this up before he loses sight of her. “Suureee. When?”

“I'll let you know but now I have to go. Talk to you later.”

Liam runs down the hall, and he catches up to Hope. He touches her shoulder, and she turns pushing him, against the wall, but he grabs her arm and turns them around, pushing her against the wall. “Liam! What the hell?”

“I have to admit, you haven't lost your touch at all but you need to be a lot quicker next time,” Liam teases with a small smirk. Hope pushes him away from her, rolling her eyes. “What do you want?” she asks him. “Why have you been avoiding me? I thought we were friends now.”

“I've been busy, Liam.” Hope tells him. She didn't want to exactly tell him the truth because she was a bit embarrassed.

“That's what you said last week. Are you going to keep lying to me?” Liam pouts causing the girl to blush which surprised Liam because Hope Mikaelson does not blush too easily.

Hope sighs pushing her bag up her shoulder. “I need to go. We'll talk later, okay? But we can talk later tonight. My room?”

“How about you meet me at the Old Mill tonight. 7 pm?” he suggests. “Old Mill, why there?”

“The guys are throwing a small party with just our little group. You can come and maybe we can finally have our talk,” he tells her. He bites his lip, actually hoping that she will say yes.
“Sure.” He smiles down at her and she rolls her eyes. “Don't look so happy. Now I really have to go. See you later.”

Liam nods and Hope walks off down the hall. Liam sighs, running his hand through his hair. “Okay Liam Salvatore. Let's make this a night to remember.”

𝐂𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐑 : 𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐄 𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now