“𝐋𝐢𝐚𝐦, 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐦𝐞?”
The Salvatore boy looks at his girlfriend who's trying to calm the crying baby. Liam didn't exactly like kids that much, since he didn't know how to handle them. He doesn't have any siblings or small cousins, so he just never had that experience. He also didn't think that when Hope said she would look after Nik that he would have to help her. Her family are all currently out, enjoying themselves while the two of them look after the little one. Liam didn't actually care to be going out, he was happy to stay in with Hope. The first hour without them, was amazing, the couple watched a movie and just snuggled up beside each other. Then after the third, the crying started and it hasn't stopped. The kid literally ruined their night with his crying.
Liam glances back at the television before looking back at Hope. “With?”
“With the baby? Please? He won't stop crying,” Hope whines, trying to calm the baby. She looks at him, with her big doe eyes, and he just had to give in. He would put aside his dislike for kids, just for her. He stands up and walks over to her. Nik pukes on her causing her to cry out. Liam tries not to laugh but it just automatically fell from his lips. Maybe they shouldn't have given him that whole chocolate bar.
Hope immediately hands him the kid and his eyes widen. Nik wasn't really a baby, but he is definitely acting like one.
Hope runs over to the door and Liam yells out, “Where are you going?”“To change my shirt!”
“Don't leave me alone with it!” Hope rolls her eyes, and she yells back, “Don't be so damn melodramatic!”
The boy cries in his arms, and he awkwardly pats the boy's back impatiently waiting for Hope to return. The kid cries out louder and Liam sighs giving him. He sits down, with the boy on his lap.“Look here, kid. If you're going to keep on crying, then keep on crying, I'm just going to ignore you,” Liam tells Nik, who starts to quiet down, but he starts again which made Liam pout. “Hey, kid. You're kind of ruining my alone time with my girlfriend, and I was hoping for some peace and quiet but you're just ruining it.” Nik starts to quiet down, and he stares up at Liam. “That's right. Just stay quiet. I mean, I get you, you miss your moms but come on, I miss my mom too but you don't see me crying about it.”
Hope stops at the door, with a new shirt on, and she looks at the two. “You're not a baby anymore. So, you need to learn to stop crying to get your way.” Nik sniffles, rubbing his one eye. “All right, so can we make a deal? I'll give you a cookie only if you go to sleep and give your aunt and I some peace and quiet, okay?”
Nik purposely nods his head, as if he understood a word of what Liam just said to him. Nik leans against him and the boy closes his eyes. “And you said you didn't like kids.” The Salvatore boy's head snaps to the door, where Hope is standing. “I only like them if they cooperate with me.”
Hope looks at Nik in Liam's arms, and she holds her hands out, asking if she can take him. She takes him, but he suddenly starts to whine, grabbing on to Liam's shirt. She lets go of him and he quiets down. Hope tries again, and he whines again which made Liam frown at the boy. “Looks like someone likes you.”
“Leave him. You can go put him down when he actually falls asleep,” Liam tells her. Hope nods and she sits down beside him. She puts her head on his shoulder, her eyes focusing on the television where the movie credits are now currently rolling. The boy looks down at Nik in his arms before looking over at Hope.
“When will his parents be back?”
“Maybe around 11. I don't know, they didn't exactly say when.” He hopes they come before 11 because he still wants to spend time with Hope before the day is over. They only have up until tomorrow night to have Hope all to himself before they have to return to school again. He didn't even want to think that he will only have like two weeks with her before winter break again.
Hope's phone goes off, and she reaches for it. She reads over the message, and she looks over at him. “Oh wow. You are definitely not going to like this.”
“Well, my aunt Freya and the others won't be back until 12. We have to take care of Nik up until then.” Liam groans and Nik stirs in his arms. “But, I mean, it will be fun. He's asleep and my aunt Freya says he sleeps through the night, so we won't have a problem.”
“Yeah. Hopefully, he won't. I need my sleep.”
“We know Liam.” She places her head back on his shoulder, and they start to watch the next movie with Nik in his arms.
Around ten o'clock Nik was fast asleep and it was easy for the two of them just watch a movie in peace and quiet. Liam made sure to keep his ears open to perhaps make sure the kid wasn't crying but it seems the kid actually listened to him.
Hope chuckles when she notices Liam keep looking towards the door. “You'll hear him. The baby monitor is right here.” She points to the small monitor in front of them.“I know I'm just making sure he actually listened to me.”
“Liam, Nik isn't even two yet. He doesn't actually understand what you're saying. I doubt he even listened to you,” Hope comments. “He was listening very attentively to me.” Hope rolls her eyes and Liam smiles turning her head to him. He glances at her lips, and he couldn't help but lean over and kiss her. The boy or even Hope didn't think that one little kiss would lead to her straddling him, their lips moving passionately against each other's.
Liam's hands move down to her thighs before moving up the curve of her behind before settling on her back. The girl pulls the shirt over his head before their lips find each other again. His lips move from her lips down to her neck as she pulls the cardigan off her shoulders. Liam didn't know what was about to happen but his heart was pounding in his chest. He was acting like a virgin with no experience whatsoever.
“Liam,” she whispers just before his lips found hers again. He stands up with her legs around him, and he leads them to the bed behind them. The girl kicks her shoes off, and he climbs on the bed while still kissing her. He places her on the bed, his lips immediately moving to her neck. Moans escape her lips as she pants out every breath she takes. Hope's hand moves to his belt just when cries echoes through the room from the baby monitor. Liam sighs when he realized what the kid just did.
“I'll go check on him.” Liam falls down on the bed beside her, and she smiles, hurrying out of the room.
“Bloody hell! You had one freaking job, kid..”

Fanfic- in which the angel falls for the devil's daughter. Highest rankings: #6 - hopemikaelson #5 - danielleroserussell #11 - herofiennestiffin