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“𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞, 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐡?”

Liam looks over at Riley and Hannah who's now currently walking their way. If he had known they were such bitches he would've stayed clear of them. The Salvatore boy looks over at Greg. “Do you guys hear anything?” Penelope asks looking at the lot.

“No, I just hear annoying chirping,” Amara says.

“This party is for witches only,” Riley says. “Where are the witches? All I'm seeing are bitches,” Amara says and Daniel high fives her. Riley flips her hair before walking off but Hannah stands in front of them. “You guys think you're all that but in this school you're just delinquents with no lives.”

Amara yawns placing her hand in front of her mouth. “Hanmah, people like you are the reason we have these,” Amara says holding her two middle fingers out to the girl. Hannah glares at the girl before her gaze falls on Amy. “Amy, if you're going to be two faced at least make sure one of them is pretty, okay?”

“Sweetheart, you need to top talking to yourself, sweetheart. We're not interested,” Amy claps back rolling her eyes. Hannah huffs before walking back towards their spot.
“Have I told you girls how much I love you?” Greg asks wrapping his arms around Penelope and Amy.

“You tell me that everyday,” Penelope says rolling her eyes. “Yes and I will keep telling you that until the very end love.”
Penelope chuckles pushing his arm off her shoulder. “I've told you over and over, Greg. It's never happening.”

Penelope walks off causing Daniel and Liam to laugh. “Why do you torture yourself, man?” Liam asks him. Amara and Amy follows after the girl leaving the three guys. “You really need to get over it, bro. Penelope and you are never going to happen no matter how hard you try. Liam has a better chance at dating her than you do.”

Daniel walks over towards where the cooler of beer was. Greg turns to Liam before asking, “Was I making it too obvious?”

“Yes you were.” The Salvatore boy pats him on his shoulder before walking over towards Daniel. Liam grabs the beer from the boy. “Thanks Danny boy.” He takes a sip and smirks.

“You get more like Greg everyday,” Daniel mumbles. “Hey, I wanted to ask you something.” Liam looks at the boy as he takes a sip of his beer. “You're close with Josie, right?”

“Uh, I wouldn't exactly say close. Why though?” Daniel glances down at his beer and Liam's eyes widen. “Dude, do you like Jo?”

“Yeah I do. I really do.”

Liam did not think that Daniel of all people would tell him that. The guy didn't even like him a few weeks back and now suddenly her was asking him about a girl. “You know she and your vest friend, Penelope Park dated right?”

“Yes and that's why I haven't pursued her. I respect Penelope and I know she still loves Josie but. . .I want to ask Josie out. But I also don't want to betray or hurt Penelope, she's my best friend,” Daniel rants. The Salvatore boy has never been in a situation where people come to him for advice about girls since he has only ever had one girlfriend and that was a few years back.

“Uh, tell her.”

“What? No, dude!”

“Why not?” Liam asks confused.

“Because she will literally burn me alive. Have you met Penelope? She's the reincarnation of Satan,” Daniel says exaggerating a bit. “Do you have any other ideas?”

“Yes. You'll distract Penelope while I go talk to Josie.”


“No, next year, genius,” Daniel says sarcastically. “Oh no, dude. Not now! It's too early and you didn't prepare me for this,” Liam says panicking a bit. “She will see right through me. You just said she was Satan's reincarnation!”

“Then what, huh? When will I have another opportunity like this? There she is, alone!” Daniel says pointing to Josie who's sitting alone in front of the fire outside.

“No dude. Let's try another day. I'm not prepared to do this.”

“If you help me with Josie I will help you with Hope.”

That certainly perked his attention. “Huh? Why would you want to help me with Hope?”

“Uh, because it's kind of obvious you like her, dude. Everyone can see it,” Daniel states. Liam frowns at the boy, it wasn't that obvious.
“Will you help me or not?”

“I will help you but not tonight. We'll do it on another day. And by the way, I don't need your help with Hope. I can get her on my own.”

“Oh really? I'm pretty sure the girl hates your guts. You did call her a loner on your first day,” Daniel says with a smug look. “I didn't say it.”

“You implied it.”

Liam rolls his eyes just then his eyes falls on the Mikaelson girl standing against the wall with a cup in her hand. Daniel smirks when he realizes where the boy's eyes landed. “At least try to be subtle about it.”

Daniel chuckles walking away from the boy just before Greg walks up to Liam. Liam takes a sip of his beer, “Do you like Penelope?”

The boy didn't know what to do so he just spat out the drink. “What?”

“Do you like Penelope?” Greg asks him. “Dude no, why would you think that?”

“Daniel said you would had a better chance at dating Penelope than I had. And you two have been spending a lot of time together,” Greg adds. Liam shakes his head, “Dude, I do not like Penelope. She's a friend and the only reason we spend so much time together is because. . .because. . .” He didn't exactly know why they spend so much time together.

“I don't know why but trust me I already have my eyes set on someone else.”

“Who? Hope?”

“Where did you hear that?” Liam asks him. “Liam, everyone knows you like Hope. I'm sure even Wayne knows.”

“Don't you mean Wade?”

“Who?” Greg asks confused. Liam shakes his before walking towards the girl. Everyone knows but her.
He stops beside the girl and she rolls her eyes. “What do you want, Liam?”

“I just want to spend some time with you. Can't I?”

“You're really annoying nowadays. Why though?” she asks before sipping her drink. “Come on, we last saw each other when we were like seven. I just want to get to know the new Hope.”

“Well, this new Hope does not want to get to know you so scoot, Salvatore.”

“Only if you scoot with me.”

Hope chuckles shaking her head, “Your flirting needs to be worked on. You're really losing your game

“I am not.”

“Oh, then I must be the only one who can resist it then,” Hope says before winking at him and walking off towards the one place she knew no one would find her, the lake.
Liam chuckles staring at the girl. She sure knew how to bruise his ego.

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