the formula

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for it is the fact that love only be real due to the prevalent feeling of hate the be o so strong

now only the feeling of knowing them solely can fix what is left

thinking what once was the worst is now looked at as best due to the hoax of sociopath

oh the innocence of love

she was the way that you described pure

for all she knew was the addiction she had towards one

an unmanageable way of need for them

the withdrawal pain that lasted for 9 months

maybe what real love is, is absolute addiction

quite frankly why would you ever want to love someone you weren't overwhelmed with since day one

so magically overwhelmed of course
what is love without want and the strength of need

the need to wake up next to them, constantly be there for them, and not know where you'd be without them

we live here in the world training you for what job you'll be forced to live with to fill you time

pursue your love and dream

maybe it's the ones that leave who they love for money that end unhappily

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 ⏰

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