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news about the newly skilled skater took flight through the skating community. everyone wondering where she could've appeared from and others feeling as if they knew her from somewhere.

Kojiro Nanjo, who was currently in his daytime persona of the owner and head chef of his Italian restaurant, otherwise known as Joe from S. He wore his usual uniform, looking over his customers to ensure they were satisfied with the meals he had given.

with the ding of the bell indicating the entrance of a new costumer, Joe gives a close eyed smile. he welcomes the costumers, but upon opening his dull red eyes he holds back a groan.

in enters Kaoru Sakurayashiki, otherwise known as Cherry Blossom with whom seems to be a client or boss of his.

they order, Kaoru not once speaking to Joe and letting his companion do all the talking and ordering.

his companion phone rings and he takes the call far enough out of earshot to where they are able whisper to each other. Joe leans in in hopes cherry will hear him better.

"she's really making a name for herself, the skate media's going nuts and it was only one beef."

Joe shows him a list of tweets slyly, attempting to be unseen by the client Cherry had entered with,

Cherry glanced at his client, who seemed to be arguing with whoever was on the receiving side of the phone, and squinted his eyes to quickly read the tweets

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Cherry glanced at his client, who seemed to be arguing with whoever was on the receiving side of the phone, and squinted his eyes to quickly read the tweets.

"well it's no surprise, you seen her skate that day of course people are interested in her skating."

Cherry didn't seem surprised she was gaining popularity after witnessing the event himself. she pulled off some pretty impressive stunts and could probably go professional if she wasn't already.

Cherry goes back to eating the meal he was served while Joe tried to show videos of her haori in action, leading to an argument of whispers.

the door bell ringed again, signaling another person had entered. Joe didn't bother checking who it was and rather went behind the counter to drink the lemonade he had left for himself by the register.

Cherry's companion finally returned, sitting down to eat his own meal which had probably gotten cold.

while downing the lemonade, the customer approached the counter ready to order. Joe opens his eyes and spits out the lemonade all over Cherry who tries to hold his cool.

however Joe pays no mind as he looked at the purple eyed girl who was wide eyed at what just occurred.

it was the butterfly skater from S, cherry seemed to notice too and both gaped at the teen.

"uh should I order or is now a bad time?"

the teen fiddled with her hands, something she did when she was either nervous or under pressure.

"apologies, what will you have today?" Joe glanced back and forth between Cherry and the new girl, Cherry practically seeing the excitement in his eyes.

despite being obviously younger than both of them, Joe couldn't deny that she was a fantastic skater and he determined that from only one beef.

"just lasagna is fine!" she pauses before coming to a realization, "oh and some pasta please, both to go!"

Joe gives her his famous close eyed smile as per usual and heads off to make the delicacies.


Mizuki Chinen stood on the Chinen Residents porch.

her stuff had apparently been dropped off this morning and now they were probably awaiting her arrival.

when her parents sent her off to professionals, she had to live kinda far away.

in an apartment in South Korea with her snooty aunt because the training had to be local to where the trainers lived.

though she didn't really mind, South Korea was beautiful and she luckily knew Korean from high school classes so the language barrier wasn't an issue.

even so, all the trophies, tournaments, and money made their way back to her parents since she was just a kid even now so being on the bridge of 18.

the worst part was leaving Miya behind, something that broke her heart the most. he was heartbroken after hearing she was leaving for a while, practically attached to her leg the day she had to depart.

now that all that time has passed she couldn't even begin to imagine what to expect beyond the door of a place she calls home.

as her hand goes up to knock on the wooden door, it suddenly swings open to reveal a somewhat short figure.

Miya greens eyes widen in shock, not expecting anyone to be at the door.

they both take a closer look at each other before engulfing each other in the biggest hug possible.

despite being older than when she last saw him, he couldn't resist letting an oneechan slip out "oneechan you're finally home!"

"I'm finally home Miya, I'm finally home."

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A/N: hi hi! if you haven't figured it out, this story is leading to a possible langa fanfic. but I've received comments on other characters SO if you'd like to see a book on a different character please comment here!

I already have a Joe one planned out but I'm willing to do more 😁!

also I hope this chapter gives you more insight on what happened after she was sent to professionals and where she was trained!

p.s: remember to eat and sleep well, maybe take a quick water break?

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