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SportsBeach Bunny1:05  ───|────── 2:53|◁              II             ▷|                          ∞            ↺

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Beach Bunny
1:05 ───|────── 2:53
|◁ II ▷|
∞ ↺

"we told you it was a bad idea."

"he talked about my skating M, I had to!" Mizuki eyes glazed with concern, even more so after hearing the nickname he had recently started calling her.

though Reki tended to hold a cool front, she can tell he was extremely upset about losing that beef. Mizuki felt as if she hadn't taught him good enough and that she was at fault.

the two were walking to dope sketch after school, Reki continued complaining about how many times people had asked him what happened to his arm.

"how was school?" Manager Oka questions as they enter the store with s ring of a bell.

"it was fine"

"completely horrible"

both Mizuki and Reki say in complete unison, Oka raising a brow in confusion before shrugging it off.

Reki begins to work on his skateboard in the back again, Mizuki opening the overhead door for some fresh air as she watches him.

she didn't want to be a buzzkill, but she knows Reki shouldn't be working as much with his injured arm and debates if she should say something.

that's when he attempts to lift his skateboard and winces in pain, dropping the skateboard on the floor.

he grabs his hand in pain before shaking it off as if nothing was wrong so he didn't worry Mizuki.

"I'm not dumb yknow," she says after grabbing ice from the mini fridge and making a makeshift ice pack for him.

"it doesn't hurt." he tried to retort, but she glared at him in response.

"yeah and the sky is green now put this on please?" Mizuki pouted in order to convince him to put the ice pack on. he sighs in return, taking the ice pack from her grasp.

while doing that, the two teens don't notice the skateboard begin to roll out the garage and down the hill.

that's when Reki turns around and realizes his skateboard had drifted away, chasing after it with Mizuki confusedly following him.

she hears the red head yell out, "hey! can you stop that!"

"Reki, wait up!" Mizuki yells, trying to catch up to the speeding red head.

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