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"are you really asking the kid who likes the quiet to a party?" Mizuki questions Reki who was trying to convince the both of them to go to a high school party with him

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"are you really asking the kid who likes the quiet to a party?" Mizuki questions Reki who was trying to convince the both of them to go to a high school party with him.

"mizuki you're supposed to be helping me here!" Reki retorts, before bugging Langa about it.

"why do you wanna go to a party anyway, don't you just wanna skate instead?" Langa deadpans, narrowing his eyes in question at the redhead.

"we're young adul-!" Reki starts.

"teenagers." Mizuki retorts.

"and it's gonna be fu-!"

"skating is fun."

"we could skate ther-!"

"or at the park."

Reki groans in frustration, "guys cmon we're teenagers, we have to start getting popularity cred!"

Langa and Mizuki glanced at each other in confusion, "since when did you care about popularity?"

"since it's a big part of high school!"

seeing their pointed stares, he sighs "there's someone..."

immediately Mizuki gasps, clapping in excitement while Langa confusedly stares, "well yeah there's gonna be a lot of someone's there right? i mean it is a party."

Langa thought he was talking about all the people going there not a 'special' someone, making Mizuki laugh as she puts her hand on his shoulder and shakes her head.

"not the people he means a special someone! a crush per say." Langas makes an O shape with his mouth in realization.

"cant you just talk to them at school or something? why do you want to do it at a party with a bunch of other people?"

"because they are a secret fan of S and they happen to like 'Snow' and 'Mariposa' here very much. and if they see me with you guys it's a win win!"

Langa gives a confused look, "Mariposa?" he turns to Mizuki who nods.

"Mariposa is French for butterfly!" Reki states the 'fact' proudly.

both Langa and Mizuki deadpan, "last time I checked it's Spanish?"

Langa facepalms at this, "Reki are you actually dumb."

"wh-what! Oka told me-?"

Reki, taken aback, remembers who told him it meant French for butterfly and scolds Oka in his mind for lying to him.

the pair laugh at the redhead, who basically got pranked and made himself look dumb.

"i assume this laughter means we're going to the party?" Reki crosses his fingers as their laughter dies down.

Mizuki smirks, standing up from Rekis bed with her pinky extended toward Reki, " only if you promise I can meet them."

Reki smiles after locking his pinky around hers, "you know it." Langa who was looking at the interaction, nods as well, "if she's going I guess I'll go." he says, dragging out the word 'guess'.

"thank you thank you thank you guys!" Reki cheers, pulling Langa up from his sitting position on the bed so he could hug them both.

"I couldn't do it without you guys."

"well technically you could've but you're too scared..."

Reki put a hand over Langas mouth so he wouldn't reveal anything else, "well party is in an hour, you two better get going!"

Reki walks us out the door, it slamming on them as Reki excitedly raced to get ready.

"I can walk you home, the suns going down."

Mizuki points to her board, basically saying he can't really 'walk' her home. seeing this he points at his board, "or skate?"

She giggled at this, nodding for him to lead they way.

as soon as he dropped her off she only had about 30 minutes to spare, and settles for flare out blue jeans and a tank top with a mesh shirt on top. a true hippie at heart.

with 10 minutes to spare, she does all her daily necessities before attempting to exit the door where her 2 male friends awaited.

keyword attempt.

"Mizuki, it's late where are you going?"

she had totally forgot to run this by her parents.

"oh I totally forgot, there's this party today that i was invited to and don't worry Reki and Langa are gonna be there."

"with those troublemakers?" her dad joins the conversation, standing next to her mother.

"Mizu!" she hears Rekis voice and a few knocks on the door, causing Langa to shush him and telling him to be patient.

"yeah those troublemakers! can i go now?" her mom and dad glance at each other before her mom nods and sends her off with a "be safe and i want you home by 10."

"thanks I love you bye!" Mizuki quickly opens and closes the door so they didn't have a chance you change their mind.

"took you long enough!"

"well yeah Reki unlike you sneaking out I actually have to ask my strict parents to let me go somewhere!"


a/n: 2 new characters being announced next chapter, tee heeee.

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